'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A March 27th 2016'

Posted Feb 4, 2022

'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A March 27th 2016'

'Weekly Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:22 How did the kinghts,gladiators and warriors from the middle age actually looked like back then when they were training since early childhood and were wearing heavy armor and swords all the time but didnt have PEDs available since they didnt exist?I asume they didnt look like we see them in todays movies but they probably werent \"do you even lift\"ers either? 3:00 If you drink milk and you get gas and diarrhea, are your body still getting the calories out of it? (if I drink a little milk or drink it with something else (food), I get away with little to no gas). 4:44 Jason why is it that so many vegans go out of their way to avoid vegetable oils? Are vegetable oils dangerous for health and only to be consumed in limited ammounts? Thanks! 6:15 Hey Jason I did a bit of jogging in the past for my cardio but it began to hurt my knees after a while and now I just stick to walking, cycling and body weight circuits. I was just wondering what form of cardio you feel is most protective of the joints and ligaments in terms of long term health. Thanks 7:33 Hey Jason my standing over head press is not progressing no where near as fast as any other lift could this be due to a lack of accessory work or by the time I get to it I\'m already fatigued from all the other company movements should I start doing it before I get to my bench press or is there any other accessory work that can help bring it up thanks 9:30 Hey jason, you\'ve made a video before about how to get strong enough to do 20 chinups and you said that you learn the movement while not fatiguing the body therfore you can then do the movement more properly with a higher weight for example and be able to progress in it better.. can this also be implanted in benchpress  squats  deadlifts? 12:07 Is doing cardio still just as beneficial if it\'s done 5 minutes at a time? (Like when trying to do cardio while caring for an infant.........) Assume the total time still adds up to 15+ minutes in a day. Thanks! 13:30 If one attempts to train with the purpose being health and longevity in addition to staying lean, would that be achievable without progressive overload and without adding additional strength? I plateaus on several lifts because i do not want to increase my caloric intake and my purpose is solely health longevity evading old age debility and staying lean. Thanks so much for the amazingly informative channel. 15:35 Many people track macros to control their body composition.what about people that never track, they just eat by feel, why don\'t we see more people doing this? Do you have any guidelines for someone who wants to get away from tracking but still keep their body composition in check? 18:00 In my next meet I will be competing in a fed that uses a deadlift bar. How much do you and other lifters you know get out of one in comparison to a stiff bar? 19:25 Do you think that so long as medical advancements keep being made, the human life expectancy will just keep increasing until we have humans that live for 2000 years and so on. Or do you think there\'s a limit to how long a human can live for even with new medical advancements' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , SPORTS , strength , training , Jason Blaha

See also: spor , E News , Scottsdale , fitness ministry , gro , exercise for kids , fitness , Train , army fitness test , pack
