'How to do a Half-Squat without Dumbbells: Health e-University'

Posted Jan 24, 2022

'How to do a Half-Squat without Dumbbells: Health e-University'

'The half-squat without dumbbells is a resistance training exercise that works your thigh muscles. This exercise uses your body weight for resistance. Watch the video to learn how to do this exercise safely.  Resistance training is a type of exercise that increases the strength of your muscles. Resistance training is done by: • Lifting weights (also called dumbbells), • Using your body weight for resistance, or  • Using exercise bands Research says that doing resistance training 2 to 3 times each week can make your muscles stronger and able to work for a longer time (increase muscle endurance). Doing resistance training can also: • Help manage your blood sugar • Help you live on your own for longer • Make everyday activities feel easier • Help make your bones stronger • Help make your joints stronger • Improve your balance and reduce falls • Improve your mood  • Improve your sleep • Lower your body fat  • Raise your self-confidence, self-image and quality of life Resistance training uses the terms ‘repetition’ and ‘set’.  • A repetition is one complete motion of an exercise  • A set is a group of repetitions done without stopping  Repeat the half-squat without dumbbells until you have finished 10 to 15 repetitions. Start by doing only 1 set.  This video is for information only. It does not replace advice or treatment from your doctor. Talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program. Stop doing any exercise that causes pain and tell your healthcare team.  Donations to the On Track to Cardiac Recovery fundraising walk contributed directly to this project. For more information or to print or download a resistance training program, visit http://www.DiabetesCollege.ca' 

Tags: Health , heart , canada , heart health , dumbbell exercises , Diabetes , toronto , hospital , weight training , tri , Resistance Band Training , cardiology , ontario , basic exercises , TGH , Toronto Rehab Institute , UHN , University Health Network , Princess Margaret Cancer Centre , Princess Margaret Hospital , PMH , Toronto General Hospital , Toronto Western Hospital , TWH , cardiac college

See also: Gymnastics , FINESSE , zumba fitness , fat � , squat , exercise for kids , vidéo de yoga en français , Women , q a about fitness , abs workout at home
