'#439: Commit in order to win. Fitness in under 3 minutes.'

Posted May 28, 2022

'#439: Commit in order to win. Fitness in under 3 minutes.'

'-We all want to win, but most of us are scared to commit to what it takes. -To commit is to face your fears, insecurities and weakness. Its committing to work on them, so that you can achieve what you want. -A good way to keep yourself accountable to your commitments would be to write them down and hang them up somewhere where you can see them daily. -That constant reminder of what you have promised your self to do is a powerful to stay consistent when working towards your goal.' 

Tags: how to , tips , fitness , now , gym , Health , nutrition , Live , Show , advice , best , News , training , crossfit , The , local , in , podcast , uae , dubai , coach , radio , Guest , Should , LISTEN , Commit , innerfight , marcus smith , andre houdet

See also: séance complète de yoga , powerlifting , yoga workout , mission to live fit , gym workout , macros , saket gokhale , I m the best , sweatin to the oldies , str
