'The best way to loose body fat. Guaranteed Results. (In Marathi)'

Posted May 8, 2022

'Please Like, Share and Subscribe   Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/akshay.nikte Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/akshay_and_fun/   About Video Topic :  Title : The best way to loose body fat. Guaranteed Results. (In Marathi)  Description : Fat loss is everyone’s favorite topic now a days. But not one knows the right way to do fat loss hence we don’t get good results. First we need to understand how fat gets stored in our body. Our body always stores all the energy that we get from our food in the form of glucose. Once the need of the body to consume glucose is over the remaining or extra calories that we eat will not get wasted but instead body will store that extra calories in the form of glycogen. Mainly this glycogen is stored in the liver and in muscle tissues at glycogen stores. This is to prepare ourselves for future if in case we don’t get required glucose or energy from the food. Periodically as we eat our food daily but consume less energy, remaining energy will keep on getting stored to fill up the glycogen tanks in the body. Once the glycogen tanks are also full the energy will get spilled over from the storage and will get stored in the form of fat cells below our skin layer which is nothing but our layer of fat. So to reduce this layer of fat we need to reduce the energy spill over, i.e. we need to control our extra intake of calorie and we need to make sure that we consume all the calories that we eat. So we need to start controlling our diet and mainly carbohydrates as it is the simplest source of glucose energy that body use. Once we control our carb intake body will need additional source of energy to fulfill the remaining energy requirement of the body. For that body will start using glycogen stored in the muscles and liver. If we maintain low carb intake for certain period, our glycogen tanks will keep on releasing the energy that body needs and will become empty after certain days. Once the glycogen tank is empty and carb intake that we are providing to our body is restricted, then body will start searching for another source of energy which is nothing but the stored fat in the body. Here our fat loss process will get started. How we can maintain our carb, protein and fat intake for fat loss diet is as below. For example, My current calorie requirement is 2000 calories. Which is divided as below Protein : 150 gm = 600 cal Fat : 66-67 gm = 600 cal Carb : 200 gm = 800 cal  So for fat loss I will restrict my carb intake to 50% of the required intake. Also I will make sure that my body is always in the need of energy so required calories for my body during fat loss should be less than my actual required calories that I eat otherwise. So fat loss calorie requirement is : 1800 calories. Which can be divided as below :  Protein : 100 gm = 400 cal Carb : 100 gm = 400 cal Fat : 110-111 gm = 1000 cal  Restricted protein is to avoid any additional energy source for body to produce glucose, so that body will concentrate on stored fat for energy. Increased fat intake is to maintain calorie intake of body, because our program is fat loss program and not weight loss. So we need to make sure that even if we are loosing fat and some weight as well but that should not be a muscle weight but only fat weight. So to maintain this ratio we need to full our body with healthy fat intake.  Even if we eat extra fat body will always go for already half processed stored fat for energy instead of breaking down newly consumed fat which is very lengthy process and body needs immediate source of energy once carb is over.  So follow this program for at least 3 months, plan your diet as per the above example and stay fit stay healthy   About Channel :  This is a fitness channels especially for all of you who follow a very busy routine and still wants to stay fit and stay healthy. I will be helping you with a very simple and easy to follow diet and workout tips which you can include in your daily routine to get the great results easily. Please subscribe and click on bell icon to get the notification for every new video uploaded on the channel.  Thank you.' 

Tags: fat loss , fat loss diet , lean body , HOW TO LOOSE FAT , marathi fitness channel , Mi-Fit , How fat gets stored , Best way to fat loss , Right fat loss , fat store process , fat loss process

See also: Bodybuilding.com , exercise , cult at home workouts , �hiit � , thi , biggest , win , X Dance , tm , work
