'Jason Blaha Q&As June 10th, 2018 Part 2'

Posted May 1, 2022

'Jason Blaha Q&As June 10th, 2018 Part 2'

'0:06 if someone lost a lot of strength from trying to cut but have been spinning their wheels. However now wants to regain size and strength on a 200-300 surplus, how would you best advise them to train? 2:21 Mark Rippetoe says that the Push Press inferior to the OHP because you don’t begin to press until it is at your forehead level. In your opinion, can the Push Press give you the same hypertrophy in all the same muscles as the OHP does if that is your main vertical press? 4:44 Hello Jason, I have been following bulgarian light 6 times a week for like 2 months now. Everything is great I Squat Bench chin up Press and do either a Power Clean or snatch for doubles after. I get done in around one hour. Here comes the problem. I started deadlifting almost every day too. I dont really feel any Recovery issues but idk where to place it if I do it after Bench my erectors feel weird on my ohp. If I deadlift after the ohp my ohp is weaker since it is closer to my Bench in the workout. Where should I place it? Or should I also go with a lighter variation 7:09 I am loving 3 rep sets. Is there a program you would suggest that would get me in and out of the gym in under an hour using 3 rep sets? (Early intermediate) 8:56 Hello Jason just wondering does hook grip work the grip as much as over/under and are there any long term negative effects of using hook grip on deadlifts?' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , SPORTS , strength training , athletics , powerlifting

See also: ski , six pack workout , yap , SID , cult fit India , gainz , nat , hypertrophy , fitness equipment , vlog
