'60-day fitness challenge at home(day15-31) | eat healthy | feminine body shape'

Posted Apr 30, 2022

'60-day fitness challenge at home(day15-31) | eat healthy | feminine body shape'

'Hi guys, this is 2nd update to my 60-day fitness challenge at home. This video includes what I ate and what I did for exercises from day 15 to day 31. By the end of day 31, I lost about 6 kg, but there was no visible abs.  Over the festive period, I have put on some weight and now I’m 130lbs and ready to commit to 60-day fitness challenge at home. These videos will show what I eat and what I do for exercise(both cardio and strength training) everyday. I plan to use 60 days to form a healthy habit and I can continue in the direction of a healthy lifestyle. Free feel to follow my channel to see the final result~  7 years ago, I lost 45 pounds within 10 months and my weight(115lbs) had maintain for the past 6 years. I am not as focused on losing weight but on building lean muscle and getting toned. My energy levels, positivity and body shape are more important than my weight. Everyone’s journey is different. What worked for me, might not work for you. However, I want to share 2 key things on my weight loss journey: 1) I don’t have a particular “diet” plan. Actually, I eat what I want in moderation; 2) I don’t have time to go to gym, but instead I stay active everyday. Fitness each day looked different, but it is usually about 1-2 hours simple (at home) workout of busting my butt.   As much as I wish I could tell you that eating and exercising perfectly today will make you lose weight by tomorrow, that’s just not the way it works. It’s not an overnight fix. It’s a journey and a learning process. It takes time and patience and consistency, but it will happen.     Music:  Do it - Ikson - https://soundcloud.com/ikson/do-it-free-download Merry - Ikson - https://soundcloud.com/ikson/merry-free-download Kissing Faded (Feat. Timid Soul) - Bohkeh - https://soundcloud.com/boh-keh/kissing-faded-feat-timid-soul Sky ft. Baechel - Bohkeh - https://soundcloud.com/boh-keh/sky-ft-baechel KNOWLEDGE - JULIAN AVILA - https://soundcloud.com/julian_avila/knowledge' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , Weight loss , diet , nutrition , body transformation , weight loss journey , cardio exercise

See also: 2016 , para , energy , channel 2 , yash sharma transformation , mr olympia , anf , tfl plus , shorts , speed
