'Full Body Athletic Workout for Everyone with Heath Evans'

Posted Apr 22, 2022

'Full Body Athletic Workout for Everyone with Heath Evans'

'I have something awesome for you to crush! Broken down into 4 quarters, this workout is for everyone. Aspiring athletes all the way to the weekend warriors. I guarantee you\'ll be feeling this after you\'re done! My goal will always be to help you get stronger while working on mobility and flexibility. Workout breakdown below.   Feel free to message me with any questions here or on Instagram: @HeathEvans44  WORKOUT  1A) Kettle Bell/Dumbbell Goblet Squat to Push-Press 3 x 10   (weight stays the same, increase tempo throughout warmup ) 1B) Fast-Feet Scissors 3 x :15  (increase tempo each set) 1C) Toe-Touch to Groin Stretch 3 x 5   (increase tempo each set)  2:00 BREAK  2A) Hex-Bar Deadlifts 4 x 10   (same weight for all 4 sets, try to increase weight every workout) 2B) Med-Ball Dead-Lift Jumps 4 x 10  (same med-ball weight all 4 sets, try to go slightly heavier every workout) 2C) Active Rest/Stretch = Hip-Flexor Stretch 4 x 10/10 (1:15 stretch/rest)  2:00 BREAK  3A) Incline Dumbell Bench 4 x 12  (weight stay the same for all 4 sets, try to increase weight every workout) 3B) Inclline Dumbbell Rows 4 x 12   (weight stay the same for all 4 sets, try to increase weight every workout) 3C) Active Rest/Stretch = Chest/Lat Stretch (:15 sec each, Total 1:00rest)  2:00 BREAK  4A) Step-Ups 4 x 15  (weight stay the same for all 4 sets, try to increase weight every workout) 4B) Dumbbell/Band/Cable Lateral Raise 4 x 15  (weight stay the same for all 4 sets, try to increase weight every workout) 4C) Active Rest/Stretch = Lateral Groin/Hamstring Stretch (Total :45 rest)  Done.' 

Tags: fitness , bodybuilding , stretch , training , full body , athlete , power , flexibility , squat , deadlift , powerlifting , mobility , chest press , athletic , Power Lifting

See also: exercises , twerk workout , barbell , Qu , exercise for kids , mr. , shredded , us army fitness test , hiit , cultfit
