'Jason Blaha Q&As March 3rd 2019 Part 2'

Posted Apr 14, 2022

'Jason Blaha Q&As March 3rd 2019 Part 2'

'0:07 Hey jason you said its not ideal to combine low reps and high reps in the same session.But what If I do low reps on my main lifts on all days?For example on volume days I do 8x3.Would that still be a problem if I did higher reps on some accessory lifts? 3:29 Hey Coach, I\'ve been training for roughly 4 years. Unfortunately the first 3 years I did all fluff n pump exercises because I was misinformed about proper training. Since finding your channel last year, I\'ve now switched my focus to heavy compound exercises focusing on progressive overload and high frequency. My question is, can I expect to put on some pretty good size switching to this proper style of training since I barely have a strength base? Or will the gains come very slow since this is already my 4th year of lifting and I\'ve passed my noob gains? Hope this makes sense... Thanks. 7:27 Hey Coach, I\'ve talked to my friend recently and asked him why he dosent start strength training to build muscle he said he dosent want to because you are shortening your life whether you are natural and not and that the stress put in the body is not normal what are your thoughts? Jason Blaha Merchandise https://teespring.com/stores/jason-blaha-fitness Re: ScottHermanFitness, OmarIsuf & AlphaDestiny - Deadlifts Engage The Traps More Than Rack Pulls https://youtu.be/8jXni7jCp64  ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha Fitness Here!  http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Jason\'s Lifting demonstrations:   https://youtu.be/yS8yUgRMiy4?list=PLh6yhljKWsN8iB4dy_-3AtuNztwXjVxzp ►Subscribe to the Jason Blaha Firearm Enthusiast channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , strength , athletics , powerlifting

See also: workouts , Fitness Diaries , coaching , ste , dumbbells , iMovie , ejercicio , running , lady , workout plan at home
