'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A May 29th, 2016'

Posted Apr 13, 2022

'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A May 29th, 2016'

'Weekly Fitness Questions, Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:08 Hi Jason, long time subscriber Since early 2013. I have read lyle mcdonalds ketogenic diet book where he states that there are no studies showing any long term negative or positive effects of the keto. You have said that the ketogenic diet is Safe for longterm use. Is the keto realy Safe for long Term use? 2:09 What do you think about people who measure all their food when losing weight? Is it obsessive? I think so. 4:38 Hey Jason, mark rippetoe from starting strength had mentioned that knee sleeves are good for those who have knee issues. What do you think about a young trainee, like me who has nerve damage, using knee wraps?? I\'m also on prescribe pain killers thanks 7:37 Hey Jason. What are your thoughts on increasing the lifting speed of a certain weight first before increasing the actual weight for strength/power/muscle? Like F= MxA 10:05 Hey Jason, I would like to know if you have any suggestions on how to deal with gym members who try to teach me how to lift and train although their advice is incorrect because they have no clue about exercise science? I am still a beginner and smaller built than these bro scientists.  Often than not their advice is actually harmfull, for example one recommendation was to grip as close as possible on the CGBP to target the tricep more..... 12:25 Hello Jason.. I wanted to ask is there an alternative to gain strength without doing deadlifts and squats, due to a chronic foot injury, which lifts would you recommend?  (When I lift, even light front squats like 60gk, the base of my right toe gets swollen over time and it hurts to walk. When I stop lifting with my legs it goes away over time. The orthopedist just said don\'t lift heavy at all).( I love your channel and follow you over 2 years now) 15:08 Hi Jason, I\'m looking to train for a half marathon alongside my current powerlifting training. I tried running them alongside each other and rather unsurprisingly my recovery went to hell. Could you had any tips/insight on how to effectively train for both at the same time? Loving the informative content! 18:29 For those of us who are in their 40s what do you think of doing a full body routine 3xper week and having the middle day as a lighter day? Maybe doing 60-70 percent of their regular training and substituting exercises for example pull-thrus or hyperext instead of deadlifts. I think the Texas Method does something similar. 20:24 Thoughts on combining strict overhead press with push press?For example you do strict overhead press and when you cant do anymore reps you turn it into a push press? 22:24 if you don\'t have much of an appetite when bulking what would be healthier adding sugar to banana smoothies or adding olive oil to pasta and brocoli? 25:25 Jason what happens if the USA gets pushed into a violent revolution and you have to come off your medical trt you wouldn\'t be able to fight as well. is this something you\'ve considered? ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha Fitness Here!  http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha\'s Firearm Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , body , muscle , SPORTS , strength , training , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: arms , yoga workout , Fitness Girls , fitness , Dumbbell , yash sharma fitness transformation , personal , kal , women s fitness , Training �
