'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A April 24th, 2016'

Posted Apr 10, 2022

'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A April 24th, 2016'

'Weekly Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:18 Jason, on your 5x5 novice program. If I keep failing 2x in a row on the same weight (lets say bench) month after month after getting to the same weight (lets say 195) what can I do to get past this hurdle? Don\'t let the trolls get you down, keep it up and persevere! 3:50 In realistic terms, how many people (globally) would you say can, or have a chance to, bench 315? I\'ve seen figures that say it\'s a 1% thing, also seen E-Stats that say anyone can do it and if you\'re not benching 315 for reps you\'re not even lifting. Curious, because I\'ve only ever seen 5 people (out of hundreds in the gyms I\'ve lifted at) press it for one rep or more. 7:02 Hey jason. Just wanted your thoughts on apetites etc. People who eat a tonne but are always hungry? Ist this due to some sort of hormonal imbalance causing this i.e. Your body still isnt getting what it needs etc. or is it something else. I know ppl on 5,6,7k a day and are always still hungry even after smashing meals worth like 2000cal in one go. Whats causing this? 9:40 Jason, is there any way I should adjust my squat technique to take advantage of my (genetically) enormous glutes? Any technique cues or tweaks to harness the full power of a big booty? 10:17 Hey Jason, if this hasn\'t been covered already, I wonder if your back can be too wide for a standard bench when bench pressing. I usually have a hard time getting myself in the correct position cause it\'s real easy for my shoulder to kindof just slip off the bench, and suddenly I have zero support on that side and need to stop benching. I doubt I\'m too wide for the bench, but if I\'m not, then what am I doing wrong? Keep up the good work, especially on the tactical channel, which I love! 11:57 Jason, just watched your 5 exercise video. Can the push press still benifit people who can\'t have the bar touching their shoulders due to forearm length? My understanding is the momentum comes through the body and a floating bar would loose a lot of that. Thanks! 13:18 Thank you so much for the content you put out! Question: Is it possible to gain weight while on a deficit (tracked for just over a month) because of resistance training? 14:47 why i lost couple pounds just from skipping 4 gym session , and i look Flat as hell too , does that mean i\'m loosing muscle or just water ? Thanks By The Way You Rock Jason! 16:10 Hey Jason, love your content and tactical channel over here in Australia, keep it up.  A friend of mine plays AFL, but his strength and conditioning coach doesnt have him doing any kind of squats. Do you think this could be compensated for or is he missing out to an appreciable extent in terms of lower body performance? 17:45 I\'m trying to teach my friend how to squat, but she has so unbelievably horrible balance that she ends up falling forward or backwards most of the time. The only thing I could think of was hip/ankle flexibility, which is improving, but doesn\'t seem to be the entire problem 19:50 hi jason, would you ever consider collaborating with Allan Thrall? i know he lives in a less gun-friendly state but what if he came to you? You both provide loads of useful information in no bull-shit manners, cheers and thanks for all the content ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha Fitness Here!  http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha\'s Firearm Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , SPORTS , strength , training , strongman , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: pi , athletic , 202 , aerobic , Mind Body , Body Mind Soul , Training � , 25 , �burn , plank
