'PSA: Jason Blaha Fitness\' Firearm Conviction - Illegal Gun Carry (Public Record)'

Posted Apr 8, 2022

'PSA: Jason Blaha Fitness\' Firearm Conviction - Illegal Gun Carry (Public Record)'

'See his criminal conviction here (all this is public record and not a breach of privacy) - http://www.hcdistrictclerk.com/Edocs/Public/Search.aspx Mugshot of Blaha at the time of his arrest - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBm9Q_ELORU This video is a PSA that the youtuber \"Jason Blaha Fitness\", aka \"Jason Blaha Firearm Enthusiast\" (formerly Juggernaut Fitness and Juggernaut Tactical TV) may be carrying unlawful firearms including an AR-15 assault rifle. Would he have been able to obtain those legally if not for an administative mistake in Texas\' criminal records? Why does he lie on video about having a clean background? What are his intentions with this heavy weaponry? He has already made death threats against disgruntled viewers, other youtubers, and veterans - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgz7y7nylZw Search \'Jason Blaha fake mercenary\' for his pathological lies about service to his country and his \'classified background\'. Should this man be allowed access to several firearms including .762 calibre machine guns?' 

Tags: weapon , carry , Texas , criminal , illegal , firearm , Jason Blaha , active shooter , Jason Blaha Fitness , fake mercenary , Exposed TV , Juggernaut Fitness TV , Firearm Enthusiast , Juggernaut Tactical TV , Juggernaut Tactical

See also: zumba dance workout , strength training , leg , mr olympia , lose fat , Yash Anand , free online workouts , build muscle , obliques , tutorial �
