'TMAC Tilapia & Brussel Sprouts Dinner'

Posted Apr 8, 2022

'TMAC Tilapia & Brussel Sprouts Dinner'

'Prep Time: 10 mins. Cook Time: 20-25 mins.  Ingredients: (per single serving) -Tilapia Filet (4-5 oz/serving) -Brussel Sprouts (2-3 handfuls) -Garlic Salt, Pepper, & Olive Oil for flavorings Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees 2. Rinse and slice Brussel Sprouts in half 3. Place in tin foil; drizzle with olive oil & sprinkle lightly with garlic salt 4. Wrap them up and bake for 25-30 mins  *start fish after about 15-20 mins of them cooking 5. Prep Tilapia with a little pepper, garlic salt, fresh lemon and olive oil 6. Place fish in a pan on stove over medium heat  7. Cook 3-4 mins on each side *Option to bake tilapia since oven is already on for Brussel Sprouts. Cook in a separate pan with a touch of oil on the bottom.  Bake 18-20 mins.' 

Tags: healthy meals , quick meals , quick dinners , tilapia , tmac fitness , organic recipes , fish recipe , brussel sprouts

See also: Richard , anthony oknaian , lan , zumba dance , fitness workout , home exercise , weight gain , hiitcultfit , wei , inspiration
