'Get It Right Series - Deadlift'

Posted Apr 2, 2022

'Get It Right Series - Deadlift'

'Deadlift tutorial:  The stance.  Since this is a conventional deadlift, the stance is a hip width stance. The center of the foot is exactly under the bar. Shin to bar is not the right concept. You\'ll know why as you read further.  Grip.  The grip that you see here is called a dead grip. One arm is supinated (under the bar) and the other is pronated (over the bar). This gives a very strong hold. People who are comfortable with a normal grip are good to go as long as they feel strong.  Launch position.  The launch position should have your lumbar (lower back), thoracic (upper back) and cervical (neck) in one straight line. Once this is in check, retract your scapulae (shoulder blades) so that your scapulae, bar and the center of the foot is in 1 straight line. This maintains a perfect center of gravity and a rigid structure to execute the lift.  Termination  The end of a rep should never be hyperextension of the back. Instead the focus should be on squeezing the glutes. Hyperextending the back can be dangerous. It can snap your back and cause an anterior disc bulge.  Watch the video now to see the correct breathing technique and execution. If you have any questions, post them in the comments section.  Visit: https://getsetgo.fitness/#/' 

Tags: tutorial , fitness , Workout , exercise , Health , Easy , form , Series , technique , deadlift , backworkout , compound , FitnessCoach , compoundexercise , getsetgo , getsetgofitness , getsetgocoach , lowerback , getitright , exercisescience , watchandlearn

See also: exercises , Red Deer fitness , fu , coach sportif , joe wix , bodybuilders try , beginner , lose weight , gl , 30 minute workout
