'What Does Winning REALLY Look Like For A Fit Fine Feminine Woman? | Redefining Female Empowerment'

Posted Mar 29, 2022

'What Does Winning REALLY Look Like For A Fit Fine Feminine Woman? | Redefining Female Empowerment'

'Here\'s the truth... We\'re women! We\'re powerful! And we are fully capable beings. The women\'s movements of the past have shown society that we as women deserve a voice, a presence, and a place in society. And I think that\'s a WONDERFUL thing.  At the same time, there are many things we as women had to sacrifice in the face of empowerment. Any woman who has a great deal of success will attest to the fact that she has had to sacrifice parts of herself to obtain that success.  What things,  you might ask?  * Time (the MOST valuable currency we have) * Self-care * Relationships * Your fitness and ability to maintain yourself * Sanity for many (women experience high rates of anxiety and depression) * And for many, cultivating her innate feminine energy - your femininity  It\'s time we take back our balance in life. It\'s time, as women for us to put a new spin on what being a truly empowered woman means in TODAY\'S time. A time where we have so many advances and opportunities to be what we want... Except when what you want is to step back and shift your life in your true power as woman.  If you\'re a woman who is ready to change this narrative, then you and I have a conversation to have today..  Get info on my upcoming weight loss intensive - https://roxstar-fitness.ck.page/acd5b13bcf  ----------------------------------------------------------------- Connect With Me Below + Get Free Stuff! ------------------------------------------------------------------  Want to work with me? Request a Free 30 Clarity Call Now http://bit.ly/RoxstarFitnessClarityCallYT  You can also join my EXCLUSIVE membership community. Get workouts, full eCourses and masterclasses on nutrition, training program design, contest prep and more. http://www.patreon.com/roxstarfitness  Get Into My FREE Masterclass: http://bit.ly/YourBestBodyYetYT  Do you compete? Check out my FREE Contest Prep Crash Course eBook and Video Training Program: http://bit.ly/ContestPrepCrashCourseYT  Want Flatter Abs - NO Gimmicks, Fads or B.S.? Download my FREE no fluff abs training guide and program: http://bit.ly/FlatAbsNowYT   Connect with me on social media! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/roxiebecklesfanpage IG: http://www.instagram.com/iamroxiebeckles Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/roxstarfitness' 

Tags: femininity , Femininity for dark skin , femininity for black women , how to be feminine , FEMININE ENERGY , feminine women , how to be more feminine , femininity training , what is female empowerment , how to be a strong woman , how to be a strong woman in a relationship , how to be a strong woman emotionally , how to be a strong woman of god , how to be an empowered woman , how to increase your femininity

See also: bri , flexibility , six pack , ear , bootcamp , bulking , mission , Online workout , fitness dance , MA
