'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A April 17th, 2016'

Posted Mar 3, 2022

'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A April 17th, 2016'

'Weekly Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:44 Just bought a gripper with adjustable resistance which is enough that will last me for life.Would training with gripper every day (while gradually increasing resistance) interfere with recovery of my normal training sessions (intermediate full body 3x week) or should I train with them every other day/same days as my normal training sessions?Note that I dont need it for any sport nor I have any grip issues with rows,deadlifts etc. I just want to have the strongest grip possible for my own personal satisfaction. 2:51 Jason can you elaborate on the practical benefits of g-flux when increasing TDEE through LISS cardio? E.g. Increasing TDEE from 3,300 calories burned per day to 4000, and consuming calories to match, does this make a positive impact to the lifting stimulus as well? Cheers. 4:50 Are squats and deadlifts enough to stimulate growth in calves & hamstrings ? Appreciate all the content you put out the past 3 months ! Thanks in advance 6:20 Hi Jason. I want to ask you why you don\'t do the biceps shot anymore?, I miss that. I think is so cool. Also thanks for helping me open my eyes about the fitness industry and giving me a line of how to train and how to perform some exercises. Keep fighting! 8:50 I\'m afraid I\'m developing/re-developing a bad relationship with food. I\'m 51 and I used to weight 350 lbs and have dropped to around 190. I\'ve been lifting for around a year and am afraid to eat to match the demands that lifting puts on my body.because I don\'t want to balloon up again. If I slip up and eat something I shouldn\'t I feel overly guilty and probably won\'t record it (due to shame). I know I should record everything but I have a family member who works a weird enough schedule that they can get away with saying \"I\'m still eating yesterday\'s calories. I haven\'t touched today\'s yet.\" It\'s making me crazy. Should I take some time away from recording while trying to eat sensibly? 11:22 Hey Jason! Can you please discuss the ketogenic diet yet again, and explain how eating too much protein can kick you out of ketosis? And maybe talk about how the conversion of excess protein to glucose affects the diet and possible results? Thanks. 12:40 Jason, you\'ve talked about how natties should avoid the bro split, in favor of more full-body type workouts, because their muscle protein synthesis isn\'t elevated more than a couple days, unlike geared lifters--for whom bro splits do work because of longer protein synthesis. What about TRT lifters? Where do they fit in? 14:22 Hi Jason, you often stressed that increasing your 1RM directly transfers to a higher 20 RM etc. But what do you think about strength endurance specific training to increase ones anaerobic endurance in order to be able to perform a lot of force over 1-3 minutes straight- which is highly needed for field athletes and martial artists? Would a xfit style of training 2 times per week improve my performance on the playing field? I once did some xfit sessions and I almost puked although I did a lot of cardio that time. Thanks in advance! 16:55 Hi Jason, is there a big difference between WPI and WPC protein powder other than price? Does the absorption rate actually really matter for the average joe or is it just marketing? 18:45 Do you think illnesses like Cancer and AIDS will ever be allowed to be cured, or is the continuous treatment too profitable? I feel that, unfortunately, if they did find a cure (if they haven\'t already) they would only ever make it available once Pharma companies found a way to make it profitable. ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha Fitness Here!  http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha\'s Firearm Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , SPORTS , strength , training , strongman , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: 11 , beau , Recipe , Dumbbell , Rhino s gym , wellness , full , strength , � �블랑tv , SL
