'Full Day Of Eating - Nutrition For Men Over 40 - What I Eat To Stay Ripped with Funk Roberts'

Posted Feb 26, 2022

'Full Day Of Eating - Nutrition For Men Over 40 - What I Eat To Stay Ripped with Funk Roberts'

'Funk takes you through one day of eating for men over the age of 35. Nutrition is the key to losing weight, burning belly fat, building muscle, improved energy, increased testosterone production and better health.   Watch more of my videos!  Subscribe and Click Notifications: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Marcroops  As men age our testosterone levels naturally decrease each year…on top of that when we reach the age of 40 we start to suffer from Sarcopenia which is a natural loss of muscle due to ageing.    And when you add the slowdown of our metabolism and added belly and body fat due to our unhealthy lifestyle, it because an uphill battle to get back into shape in our 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.  The goal is to naturally increase our testosterone levels, improve our metabolism, balance our hormones, feed our muscles and get rid of all the junk food in our diet.  You\'re a man...most likely over the age of 40!  The most important hormone in our body is testosterone...  When you naturally increase your number male hormone, you quickly burn belly fat, lose weight, boost energy and build lean muscle.  The most important way to achieve this is through your diet.  Your nutrition has a huge effect on our hormonal health, and your hormones are closely linked to your overall health, strength and youthfulness...  When it comes to nutrition…it is easier than you think.  As a Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach and Transformation Specialist for Men over 40 I’ve created a nutrition lifestyle for men proven research, science and evidence-based information which ensures that you are eating the right foods with the proper ratio of macros, at the right times to maximize your results for fat loss, muscle definition and hormone balance.  The nutrition plan is based on a Testosterone Diet while boosting your metabolism.   We don’t count calories or weight my foods…we just ensure that there is a source of all macronutrients and a balanced plate or balanced source of food with each meal.  The goal is to eat 3 times per day with each meal containing a balanced plate with sources of starchy carbs, healthy fats, protein and veggies/fruits:  Balanced Plate Breakdown  Starchy Carbs - you need a source of complex carbs with each meal to ensure that you support your thyroid which is responsible for your fat burning metabolism, while increasing testosterone, balancing your insulin levels and building lean muscle  Protein – a source of protein is essential which each meal as this is the foundation macronutrient and building blocks of our muscles, bones and helps with metabolic processes within the body…also animal protein is key as it will contains some good cholesterol important for testosterone production  Healthy Fat – healthy fat is another essential macronutrient as it contains cholesterol. The precursor to testosterone production is cholesterol.  Without it, you will not get testosterone production, so ensuring you eat healthy source of fat with each meal is KEY!!!!  Veggies/Fruits – vegetables and/or fruits depending on your meal is also a MUST when eating as they will contain the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) your body needs to support your testosterone while keeping estrogen and cortisol levels low.  Also, you will get other benefits that will support your immune, antioxidants and other vital nutritional needs to improve your overall health.  NOTE: The foods you get from carbs, fats and proteins will also include micronutrients to help support your hormones!  For a step by step simple to follow nutrition lifestyle plan for men over the age of 35, 40, 50 and 60 click the link below and join the Over 40 Alpha Workout and Nutrition program – https://www.over40alpha.com  Get it Done!  Funk Roberts Master Metabolic Training Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach    WARNING: THE INFORMATION OFFERED IN THIS VIDEO IS OFFERED AS OPINION ONLY. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE TRYING ANY NEW DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAM. THIS WORKOUT ROUTINE MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOU.  ALWAYS WARM UP PRIOR AND STRETCH AFTER YOUR WORKOUT SESSIONS' 

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