'Correct Form & Technique I How to do OverHead / Shoulder / Military Press - Get It Right Series'

Posted Feb 25, 2022

'Correct Form & Technique I How to do OverHead / Shoulder / Military Press - Get It Right Series'

'The big lifts.   The reason we call them the big lifts is that the word \'BIG\' holds a considerable amount of value when it comes to using these exercises. If done correctly, these exercises can make a BIG difference to your physique, musculature, and strength. But if you do them wrong, it can lead to bigger problems like an injury and result in a layoff from the gym.  As these exercises are so beneficial, your form and technique should be on point while incorporating them into your lifting routine to reap the maximum benefit from them.   More often than not, you will see lifters lift their ego with them which is hazardous.  In the \'Get it right\' series, we will break down these exercises into steps and demonstrate how you can be safe while using it and making sure that this double-edged sword always works in your favor.   In this particular video, we will be looking at the \'Barbell Overhead Press\' and see how the exercise is performed right from unracking the bar till completion of the rep.   We hope you like the video and would appreciate the feedback and comments.  GetSetGo is an online fitness platform for all your fitness needs. Website: https://getsetgo.fitness/#/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/getse... Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/getsetgofit/ Instagram/ Twitter Handle: @getsetgofit' 

Tags: how to , fitness , Workout , motivation , bodybuilding , strength , shoulders , gym workout , strength workout , standing , weight training , shoulder workout , shoulder press , strong arms , delts , military , barbell workout , weight lifting , military press , overhead press , barbell , overhead , naturalbodybuilding , deltoids , overhead press workout , over head press , how to overhead press , Barbell Overhead Press , getsetgo , push press , how to shoulder press , standing overhead press , strong delts , round delts

See also: Joe wicks , fit yoga , arms , FitFam , premier league , natty or not , bri , 6 pack abs , soccer , my mission to live fit
