'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A May 1st, 2016'

Posted Feb 11, 2022

'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A May 1st, 2016'

'Weekly Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:14 Hey Jason, can running (in the long-term) make you shorter over time due to the constant jarring? Could it compact your vertebrae? Or like strength training, could it serve to strengthen bone and help you keep more of your height as you age? Thanks! 2:20 Hi Jason, I often get light-headed and dizzy after my set of deadlifts. Is this something I should be worried about and what might be causing this? I\'m using a weight that is heavy for me (120kg) and doing 1set of 3 reps. It\'s not quite a max effort lift though because I could still do 3 reps with 2.5-5kg more weight. 4:30 Hi Jason I was curious what do you think of Paul Chek and his work? I\'m asking as he is kind of a controversial figure. 6:48 Hey Jason, fitness models for supplement brands describe themselves as athletes, but can they really be classed as that. Also, can we class competitive bodybuilding as a sport? Your thoughts. 9:36 Hey Jason, love the content and the truth you expose in the community. For a college student doing IF, would it be better to train directly before classes, and eat my first meal 5-6 hours later risking excessive muscle breakdown, or train directly after classes, eating right after but not having as much focus or energy in the gym? I might be over thinking this but I was wondering if you had an opinion either way. Thanks again 11:42 My wife is 4 months removed from having our third baby and has been working out and doing a recomposition diet, she\'s somewhat frustrated with the lack of progress since having the baby, when she worked out before the pregnancy she was losing bf more steadily. Should she move to a stricter cut or stay the course for optimal results? 13:30 Ever since I switched from the one body part a week program to a full body workout plan, I have noticed it is difficult for me to sleep and I have recurring nightmares. This is exacerbated if I do a cardio exercise, let\'s say 3-5 mile run home from work on my \"off\" day from lifting. Is there anything I could be doing wrong in my training or diet that can be causing this? I am 11 years into lifting and plateau\'s on most exercises 7 years ago and have finally seen some positive weight gains so I want to keep this up! But going to bed ten hours before it\'s time for me to wake up for work only to get 6 hours of actual sleep is killing me. 15:40 I was able to squat 265LBS for sets of 5. For the past four months up until a week or so ago I gave ATG squats a go. I worked up to 225LBS for sets of 5. I recently went back to regular squat and tried my old work set of 265 for 5 but only managed to get 3 reps. Is the reason for the drop due to my body/mind is not use to having that much weight on my back? Or is there something else going on? 18:05 After watching your videos lately I really like the push press. However, I don\'t really understand its correct place in a workout yet. If I was doing a typical 5 X 5 workout where would I put them in? Replacing the overhead press doesn\'t seem like the best choice to me. Thanks. 20:00 hey mate is it possible to use the greasing the groove method for pull ups and dips while on your Off Season Linear Periodization Intermediate Strength Program? too much volume? 22:20 What age do you feel is a good time for children/teenagers to start weight training.or should I say what research have you seen? ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha Fitness Here!  http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha\'s Firearm Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , muscle , SPORTS , strength , training , strongman , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: jan , bodybuilding , ok yoga , steroid , abdos , california , fitness workout , motivational , best , US Army
