'Lesson Plan #1 - Guard Break #1 - Joe Stevenson | DH Athletic Fit Center'

Posted Feb 8, 2022

'Lesson Plan #1 - Guard Break #1 - Joe Stevenson | DH Athletic Fit Center'

'DHAthleticFitCenter.com Guard Break #1 - Joe Stevenson (951) 506-7776  Hi guys. Joe Stevenson here with my purple belt who is wearing a blue belt today, KC Miles.  We\'re gonna be going over lesson plan one of showing the basics. The basics will be maintenance of guard and breaking the guard. Our first primary guard break is just staying in perfect position and allowing our partner to get frustrated or to get fatigued and have to re-cross their ankles. Our guard breaks are not going to full passes. Instead, we\'re staying in position and keeping our partners in duress. We\'re keeping their bodies strained so they can\'t recover and they\'re not thinking properly.  Down on your back, sir. In this position, this position is that he wants his legs way up here. He wants me pulled down and tight. I want him- If he wants his legs up there, I want his legs down. If he was sitting up, I want him flat. I\'m gonna keep my hands by the belt. I can grab the pants, I can grab the belt, I prefer to push on the hips. My elbows are not gonna be in. In means I\'m trying to break the guard. Open, back, means I\'m trying to hold position. My butt is going to be on my heels. My weight is going to be on my toes. My knees are open to a 45-degree angle. My hips are facing my opponent at all times.  If he circles, keep your legs locked, sir, and move. Nice. Now, look, when he moves to this angle, his legs are pulling me up. It\'s my job not to post on the mat to reposition. It\'s repositioning on his body and moving. Wherever he goes, I go, staying square. Now, his legs will get fatigued or he will end up getting frustrated and wanna post on the mat. When he does that, when I feel his legs up, that\'s when my knee is gonna come up. If my partner builds up like this, I wanna take my forehead and pull him back flat.  I definitely don\'t wanna give up grips and things like this, so I\'m always fighting position, keeping him flat. When I feel the legs open, I\'m going to rock back. Now, if you look at my left foot, it does not step up. It stays in position and my knee is going to rotate back as my elbow comes in and my body rotates back. Now, I\'m gonna step in, drive my knee to the mat. My feet come together and they pray as my butt goes back on my heels. My hand can block the underhook and block the bicep, or it can pummel the underhook. But I don\'t wanna be driving in like this, having a gap here where his leg could hook my leg.  I don\'t want that. I wanna keep my feet connected and my butt back, blocking his shoulder keeping him nice and tired. Guard break number one should be your primary guard break. The reason it should be your primary guard break is because it\'s me blocking position, waiting for my opponent to relinquish position by opening their legs, getting frustrated, fatigued, these are all important things. This is the most important guard break because it keeps you out of trouble. It keeps him from being able to attack submissions and stuff because you\'re blocking position.  Hands on the stomach, elbows back, legs open, head up, where he moves, I move. Eventually he gets frustrated. The legs open. At that point, my elbow comes back. I rock back on my foot. Now, when my elbow is to my knee, I step in, crowding his position. Drive that knee down to the mat. As that knee drives down to the mat, I take my other foot and I pray with my soles of my feet together, keeping my weight back on my heels, looking to pummel this underhook and block this bicep. That is guard break number one.  Dan Henderson\'s Athletic Fitness Center offers classes and programs to meet the needs of everyone regardless of age or previous experience. Whether you\'re into: ► Cardio ► Pilates ► Kettlebells ► Boxing ► Jiu Jitsu ► MMA ► Weight lifting ► or something else altogether, ur state-of-the-art facility has just the thing for you.   Owned by legendary MMA champion and future Hall-of-Famer Dan Henderson, our team of knowledgeable instructors is dedicated to teaching you about total health and fitness. Come see why we\'re the best Fitness Center in Temecula.   Produced by Musselwhite Consulting https://www.MusselwhiteMarketing.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwEwgkduZrw Guard Break #1 - Joe Stevenson' 

Tags: MMA , boxing , bjj , yt cc=on , jiu jitsu , Dan Henderson , Fight gym , Joe Stevenson

See also: cardio dance , TV , az , wei , abnehmen , swapping diets , interview , 60 , exercises , the body coach tv
