'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A December 6th 2015'

Posted Dec 30, 2021

'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A December 6th 2015'

'Weekly Fitness Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:40 Hello sir! Can you explain a little bit more on why the high bar squat is superior to the low-bar squat for an athlete (lets say a runner or rower). Doesn\'t the low-bar squat involve more muscle mass and activate the posterior-chain a little bit more to a certain degree and wouldn\'t this be more beneficial in the running movement or push movement in a boat? Thanks! 3:08 First of all Jason and everyone I found this from a reliable source. Secondly, do naturals really need a shoulder day and an arm day? I\'ve heard you already get enough work hitting those muscles from the compound exercises 6:10 Could you please talk about programming for strength and distance running. I have been making great gains with squats and deadlifts, but due to my job I have got to be able to run 2-3 miles in a reasonable time. I am having trouble setting up my program so that I keep gaining on squats, run and have good recovery 7:50I have been dieting for around 6 months and have around 15-20 lbs more to lose to get to 8-10% bf for a clean bulk. Im currently running a psmf diet and running your novice 3x5 for cutting *i have under 3 months of training experience*. How many refeeds a week do i really need *i usually have one day where i just eat whatever*? My calories and macros on the refeed? Thanks jason much appreciated 10:02 Taking a year to travel with no lifting. Assuming an intermediate total before leaving on the trip, would it be worth the time and effort to do body weight/partner lifts 3x a week to keep some level of gains even though food intake will likely not be sufficient? In the context that upon returning home I start training again and get the fast return of gains. Thanks 13:13 As a vegan who is trying to bulk up, one, what was your go to food for protein when you were a vegan? and two, I\'ve been doing it without creatine and have been seeing decent results, would creatine make results better? I\'ve heard mixed things about taking straight up creatine so I\'m cautious. Creatine is found in red meat so it can\'t be all bad. 15:10 Hi Jason I was wondering what type of periodisation you prefer in both your own training and for other? I like block periodisation and my lecturers prefer cognitive I understand the benefits of both and have used both just wanted to know your thought? 16:50 Do you feel that the want/need for instant gratification will develop a more unhealthy and medical issue ridden generation of lifters? as many of the young guys want to hop on immediately and don\'t have the knowledge/training and diet experience of some of the greats. would you say we will see more and more medical complications due to the mass amounts of gear being used by kids and gear that has been recently developed without any sort of studies on long term effects of bodybuilding dosages? 20:04 Hey Jason, I was wondering if you think there would be any benefit to combining caffeine and a shot of alcohol pre workout? because I saw your video on alcohol being a performance enhancing drug and I am already a fan of having caffeine occasionally preworkout. Thanks! 21:10 Hey Jason, is it possible to gain muscle while on a cruise or is it better to stay on calorie maintenance until the next blast to avoid additional fat gains? Thanks! 23:15 A personal question - what events led you to believe that there is some sort of deity? I understand that this might be classified, so feel free to be vague. Thanks. Novice 5x5 Program:http://content.tigerfitness.com/jason-blaha-5x5-novice-workout-program/ ►Subscribe:http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Subscribe to the JuggernautTacticalTV channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , SPORTS , strength , training , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: fitness music , abdominaux , installation , 305 fitness , Фитнес , bruno mars , Jason Blaha , street workout , improv , Weight loss
