'Leg Exercise - How to Barbell front squat'

Posted Dec 28, 2021

'Leg Exercise - How to Barbell front squat'

'1. Set up the squat rack or Olympic lifting platform so the barbell is rested at the right level for you based on your height.  2. Once you are happy with your set up, bring your arms up to the bar with an underhand grip, whilst keeping the elbows high and pointing forwards. The bar should be able to rest on either sides of your shoulders in this position. 3. Looking straight ahead of you, take a few steps away from the rack whilst keeping your arms locked in that same position. 4. Position your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart, with toes slightly pointed out. Breathe in and lock your abs. 5. Lower your body into a squat position whilst keeping your head up and chest proud at all times. 6. Straighten your knees and extend your hips back up to starting position. Maintain a tall spine and tight core throughout the whole movement. 7. Exhale out and repeat however many repetitions, then take a few steps forward to rest the bar on the rack.' 

Tags: leg workout , Leg exercise , lower body exercise , PureGym , barbell front squat , how to barbell squat

See also: motivational , pyjama yoga , Disney Workout , Slim , home , powermaxfitness , fitgirl , california , sch , Scottsdale
