'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A November 15th 2015'

Posted Dec 23, 2021

'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A November 15th 2015'

'Weekly Fitness Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:14 1I\'m using your linear hyp. prog and add an isolation exercice. I\'m doing in supersets : - Bicep curls and shoulder flies - Face pulls and triceps rope pushdown. Is it too much for the triceps in the long run ? 1:32 Hey jason i wanna bulk up but i dont actually have time to go to the gym.... My question is that i want to put on a solid 15-20lbs how can i minimize fat gains as much as possible??? 2:50 Hey Jason, how deep is too deep?(/chuckle). Up until this point I have been going as low as possible into the hole, but now as the weight gets heavier (185lbs) I notice I get some forward lean if I go that deep. I tried going to a perceived depth of maybe an inch or two below parallel and the forward lean is gone. Am I missing out on any benefits if I am not going as low as possible? 4:14 Best tips for getting a stronger bench? My bench max is significantly out of proportion to my squat and deadlift 5:24 I have a question in regards to total volume. I squat 2 sets , 3 days a week. I notice that my first set has normal linear progression in gaining reps. My second set however is all over the place, sometimes less or more then the previous workouts second set. Should I try to get both sets equal in reps (by doing more volume), or should I just focus on the first set progression? 7:34 How to mix conditioning and strength training.....without sacrificing strength ? 8:23 Jason been thinking of getting some lifting shoes for squats , I\'m realitively tall 6\'3 with long legs , do you think lifting shoes will help me hit depth more comfortably ? Do you were then ? And what would you recommend ? Thanks 9:40 Natural estrogen blockers work or just bunk 11:00 Hi Jason, Why do people who use gear train one body part a week? From my understanding, steroids help people recover faster so wouldn\'t people on gear benefit from a training split that is also best suitable for natural lifters like one body part 2-3 times a week? 14:35 Would donating plasma while on a steroid or prohormone cycle give you less gains than if you didn\'t because you\'d be losing the extra hormones you\'re putting in when they take your plasma?' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , SPORTS , strength , training , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: TV Fitness , cheat meal , Ege Fitness , workout time , bodyweight workout , squat , home workouts , Fitness for Life , motivation music , powermax fitness
