'Jason Blaha Fitness Q&A May 22nd 2016'

Posted Dec 20, 2021

'Jason Blaha Fitness Q&A May 22nd 2016'

'Weekly Fitness Questions, Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:14 Why does the straight-bar underhand chin-up cause so many elbow/wrist issues and what steps can be taken to prevent it? I\'ve been doing neutral-grip for a while, but I want to get back into chin-ups and get to 20 consecutive reps. 3:16 Hey Jason. i Just completed your Off Season Linear Periodization Intermediate Strength Program and have made some pretty decent gainzzz. My priorities have changed a little and am now thinking about improving my body-weight movements and will start doing 2 days per week of high volume b/w exercises. I still want to keep making gains in the gym so will 2 days per week of full body training with 1 set per exercise using the same progression you use be enough to do so? I want to save most of my workload and feel fresh for the b/w movements. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! PS i also train Muay Thai 5 days per week and run about 20 km per week. Cheers! 5:53 You said that for an overeater, we just have to accept that we will be hungry. All the time. Do you have any physiological/psycological advice on how to live with hunger? 8:22 If someone walks for couple of hours several times a week, does this count towards LISS cardio purely from health standpoint? 9:44 Jason, it\'s pretty common for a lifter to achieve the vast majority of their mass gains in the first couple years of dedicated lifting. Do strength gains work the same way? For someone like a powerlifter, is there (generally) a precipitous dropoff in strength improvements after the first couple years? 12:30 Hey Jason, does doing a static stretching routine prior to lifting decrease the chances of injury or pulling a muscle while lifting? Is there any evidence that static stretching could prevent injury? Or is this kind of a myth?  14:29 every time I do Dips the center of my chest hurts. The sternum area. I admit dips have never been in my program for this reason. But I want to do them as you said if an exercise feels awkward you most likely have weaknesses. I can gaurantee you my form is perfect. I am straight up and down so I can hit the triceps more. I\'ve even used assistance weight thinking my body weight may be too much but the pain is still there no matter how light or how perfect my form is help!! 16:37 I realize you aren\'t a big fan of knee wraps, but I actually do compete in powerlifting and am looking to switch to raw with wraps. My best competition squat with sleeves is 716.5 (@242) and 650 with bare knees. No knee issues whatsoever. What tips would you have for someone looking to transition from squatting raw to raw with wraps? 19:43 What\'s your suggested program or programs to run after Bill stars madcow, which is a novice to intermediate program, assuming you are now nearing the end of linear progression and moving into the intermediate advanced stage of lifting. And in your opinion, what numbers should accompany the end of this novice intermediate phase of strength training? (bench squat deadlift) 10What do you think about people who work for someone else ? Are they slaves to their bosses ? ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha Fitness Here!  http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha\'s Firearm Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , muscle , SPORTS , strength , training , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: Fitness Training , tonin , aesthetics , funny , perdre du poids , ram , low impact , fam , model , shoulder workout
