'Rich Froning Full Day of Training - PART 2: PM Squat Clean/GHD Workout'

Posted Nov 16, 2021

'Rich Froning Full Day of Training - PART 2: PM Squat Clean/GHD Workout'

'Rich Froning Full Day of Training - PART 2: PM Squat Clean/GHD workout  Workout 1: 30 Cal Ski 100ft HSW (2 Obstacles) 30 Cal Ski 100ft HSW (2 Obstacles) 30 Cal Ski  Rest time taken  30 Cal Row 30 Strict HSPU 30 Cal Row 30 Strict HSPU 30 Cal Row  Rest Time Taken  30 GHD\'s 10 Cleans (225lbs) 30 GHD\'s 10 Cleans 30 GHD\'s 10 Cleans' 

Tags: crossfit , crossfit motivation , crossfit games , rich froning , crossfit training , tia toomey , full day of training

See also: wo , toning , kickboxing , 6 pack , jam , chennai , burn belly fat , shredded , athletic , trainer
