'What\'s my Formula for Success? - Rachel Doell from Daily Routine Fitness'

Posted Nov 15, 2021

'What\'s my Formula for Success? - Rachel Doell from Daily Routine Fitness'

'For more info on Daily Routine Fitness, please visit http://dailyroutinefitness.com/  There\'s no universal formula for success... but there\'s one thing I know for sure... success begins with your attitude an attitude that allows you to visualize possibilities, even if those possibilities seem unlikely  Success is about more than just hope, it\'s about hard work and the choices needed to turn a wishful thought into hard reality Sometimes I hear people say  \'don\'t set your hopes too high or you might get disappointed\' It\'s almost like they\'re planning their defeat before they even start. It was once said that \'to expect defeat is nine-tenths of defeat itself\' Without high hopes a nd expectations, where will the drive come to achieve a challenging goal? A goal that takes everything you have to pull off? If you don\'t set your goals high, then you\'re driving a car with no gas.  People will tell you that luck has a lot to do with succeeding but those same people use their lack of luck as an excuse I create my own luck. I use my failures as fuel to keep moving. I treat excuses  like puddles that can be bypassed with a careful step  We all have mountains in our lives, with our goals sitting as prizes at the top. What\'s my formula for success? Move past hoping, and run up the mountain. Simple as that.  Written and Directed by Clayton Arnall exclusively for Daily Routine Fitness Music: Custom made for this video by Clayton Arnall' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , loss , weight , muscle , success , Training (Industry)

See also: makeup , treadmill , Cer , at home , best workout music , Disney Workout , bai , Jane Fonda workout , fitness channel , cure
