'DECEMBER 4TH 2019 GET SOME GAINZ Live Follow-Along Workout with BJ Gaddour'

Posted Nov 13, 2021

'DECEMBER 4TH 2019 GET SOME GAINZ Live Follow-Along Workout with BJ Gaddour'

'Get a free 3-day trial for more killer workouts like this at:  https://www.thedailybj.com/  WORKOUT 2: DEATH BY BANDED BULGARIANS (FREE BAND)  Alternate between 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest on each leg before moving on to the next round  Grab a single band, ideally with 2-3 levels of resistance to mix between   BSS = Bulgarian Split Squats (a.k.a. Brahim’s Split Squats or BJSS)  ROUND 1: BSS ISO Pull-Aparts Ladder  ROUND 2: BSS High-Low Pull-Apart Complex  ROUND 3: BSS High-Low 1-1-2 Chest Presses Complex   ROUND 4: Bulgarian 20/20 High/Low Chest Thrusters  ROUND 5: Bulgarian 20/20 Rows/Hinges Complex    1-MINUTE BREAK HIGHLY RECOMMENDED HERE  ROUND 6: BSS + Lateral-Front Raises Complex ` ROUND 7: Overhead BSS  ROUND 8: Glute-Stance Bulgarian Deadlifts  ROUND 9: Bulgarian 20/20 High/Low Thrusters  ROUND 10: Quad-Stance X-Band BSS  This is a 20-minute workout. If you feel the need to do another 10-round sequence, you simply didn’t do it right the first time.' 

See also: su , FITNESS FIGHTER தமிம் , funny , burn fat , female fitness , pod , treadmill , Free workout video , Circuit Training , health tips
