'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A January 17th 2016'

Posted Oct 22, 2021

'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A January 17th 2016'

'Weekly Fitness Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:47 How long do you recommend the bench pause to be? A set time or literally just make the bar deadstop, and motionless to prevent \"touch and go\" for building strength from the bottom. 2:10 Dear Jason, do you actually enjoy lifting or strength training? How important do you feel that finding a strength training format that is more enjoyable, even if less effective is? Really interested on your views on this! Thanks! 5:03 Is there any evidence of a link between weight-training and aortic aneurysm? I recently had a check-up and the cardiologist found (by ultrasound) that my aorta is at the upper limit size. So he said that we should monitor if and how fast that widens and that if I want to train with weights, I should not exceed 30-40 kg! For what? Chest? Legs? Arms?I mean, what kind of advice is that? If he found something, sure, he should inform me, but pulling arbitrary numbers out of thin air? I have only found a couple of papers - both from the same researchers and not with many cases- linking weight lifting to aortic dissection, but at the same time the same group says that ultrasound alone is not enough to determine aortic dilatation.  Thoughts? 7:35 Hey Jason my season is starting soon and wanted to know how should I change my routine. I\'m currently on a 4 day upper/lower split. In season I\'ll be going to practice 6 days a week, and would only be to go to the gym mon-thurs, and sometimes Fridays, with games on fri-sun. Thanks 10:00 would training for strength in the gym benefit someone in a fight for self defense, or building muscle to take the hits from being stabbed. I\'am thinking about going to a police academy, so I wanna be prepared. 12:35 We know that you shouldnt flare your elbows too much on the bench press as it can be too stresful for the rotator cuffs.But doesnt that mean that chest flies are bad for shoulders since thats pretty much what youre doing in that movement? 14:10 I\'m a hard gainer who can\'t gain weight for the life of me, especially fat. I was thinking of trying Gomad, but I\'m not down for all that dairy. Is there a non-dairy Gomad alternative? 16:35 Hey Jason. I know your stance on drugs in sport, but do you think that when a drug using athlete competes in a tested federation it is unfair to the drug free ones, or do you expect them to realise people will do that sort of thing? 19:40 Hi Jason, hormone related question.  What is the upper end of safe dose too keep testosterone at for any extended time period as in years or decades? This for a normal healthy male over 35? So long as they regularly had blood work and donate blood every 60 days. Would 250mg weekly be of any serious health concern? 21:20Hey Jason, a lot of people say that the birth control pill for women is reducing muscle and strength development for women. What is your opinion on this? Is it true or just a myth? 22:45 First one may be abit more tactical channel related, but sub to both so no bother!  How hard/what would be the process if an expat was looking to move to America in regards to CC laws/gun licences?' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , muscle , SPORTS , strength , training , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: home exercise , female bodybuilder , Training � , arm workout , FINESSE , rogue fitness , exercise for kids , Cer , back workout , lose
