'Fitness First Indonesia Flow Yoga™Series'

Posted Jun 4

'Fitness First Indonesia Flow Yoga™Series'

'Gentle Flow Yoga™ designed to revitalise the body, relax the mind and reduce stress, this slow moving Yoga class synchronises movement with breath for the perfect mind and body connection. Great for beginners and anyone wanting to restore their internal balance.  Dynamic Flow Yoga™ designed to build stamina and increase strength and endurance, this class is an intense yet seamless flow of energizing poses that works up to a challenging finish.  Prior experience in Gentle Flow classes is recommended for new participants to Yoga.  Core Flow Yoga™ Integrate the whole body while strengthening the deep foundation core muscles; enabling safe and effective movement even in strenuous activities, important for injury prevention.  Hot Flow Yoga™ boost your metabolism, burn calories, and flush out toxins with this popular yoga variation. Taking place in a room set to a specific temperature, the heat loosens muscles and joints for increased flexibility, enabling extensive whole body stretching.  Advanced Flow Yoga™ designed to improve athleticism with a fast paced, endurance focused 90 minute class which will advance each person\'s personal practice through a number of highly challenging poses in demanding sequences. Previous participation in Dynamic Flow™ is essential as preparation.' 

See also: Online workout , muscle building , flex , exercise , d bol , Omuz Egzersizleri � , full body , handles , iMovie , carbs
