'FIRE FIGHER TRAINING - Become a better fire fighter learn how to increase your fitness!'

Posted May 25

'FIRE FIGHER TRAINING - Become a better fire fighter learn how to increase your fitness!'

'► (XRT PRO 2.0 - SEEN IN VIDEO) https://www.trainingmask.com/products/xrt-pro-trainer  ►The XRT Pro 2.0 SCBA Insert is a resistance breathing trainer adapter for SCBA masks worn by firefighters and first responders. ►XRT Pro 2.0 is super simple to use. With a simple turn and click – the ►XRT Pro is compatible with the Scotts SCBA - AV 2000 and AV 3000. ►XRT PRO 2.0 allows first responders to add breathing training to their functional on scene simulation workouts. ►XRT Pro 2.0 offers 6 on-the-fly resistance levels to increase workout intensity and to mimic low oxygen conditions when O2 tanks run low. Emergency situations are unpredictable and demand a lot from first responders physically. Get the edge you need to be sharper and more on point when it matters most with XRT Pro 2.0 Includes  ►XRT 2.0 Trainer (Does not include SCBA MASK)  The Training Mask Company founded in (Cadillac, Mi 2010) by Casey Danford to meet the demand for a true breathing device that pushed athletes maximize their performance.  Since 2010 TRAININGMASK has become a leader in creating athletic devices that help increase stamina, endurance, and mental focus while exerting the body thus forcing changes to the body that we others undiscovered or unfounded.  Training Mask conditions the primary muscles of breathing by creating pulmonary resistance via modulated air flow restriction.  Pulmonary resistance is the most efficient way to target your diaphragm and intercostals while you train. Stronger breathing muscles means better breathing, and better breathing leads to increased stamina. Stamina that improves your workouts and performance at your sport of choice. The Training Mask brings the benefits of respiratory training to everyone, from the workout enthusiast, to the person who just wants to have an easier time performing challenging chores around the yard.  Training Masks\' multi-level resistance system reduces air flow through its multi-patented snap and or dial-able valve breathing system. Increased air resistance encourages you to take fuller and deeper breaths naturally without thinking about it. Deeper breathing equates to improved oxygen delivery to the working muscles which results in reduced fatigue, elevated endurance, and sharpened mental acuity during high intensity exercise.  Training Mask is the only performance breathing device to undergo rigorous testing, and multiple clinical trials to validate its effectiveness as an exercise tool. As the body of science regarding respiratory conditioning continues to grow, Training Mask commits itself to educating its loyal customers, prospective customers, and the general fitness community on the wide array of benefits that the Training Mask provides while used in conjunction with physical activity.' 

Tags: SPORTS , breathing , training mask , marshawn lynch training mask , elevation training mask , altitude mask , phantom training mask , weightlifting mask , running with training mask , running with mask , focus breathing mask

See also: full body workout , cure fit execise , exercise workout , workouts for women , YouTube , Calorie Challenge , gain , bollywood , dia , iMovie
