'Hardcore Workout B'

Posted May 18

'Hardcore Workout B'

'CLICK HERE FOR A FREE WORKOUT! http://www.turbulencetraining.com  Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click  here to get started: http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com  This is Workout B from TT Hardcore 2K10.  You\'ll be doing 6 repetitions of 6 exercises in this workout.  Start with a barbell complex, but start with an empty barbell for the first time you go through this.  You can even use a broomstick for this.  If you are training at home, you can even use dumbbells.  Start with Romanian Dead Lifts.  Press your hips back as far as you can, keep a flat back and then drive back up to feel that stretch in your hamstrings.  Next up is a hang clean (6 reps), so you will do a little dip, drive up and catch the bar underneath.  You want to get that extension, especially when you have some weight on it.  Move right into front squats.  Keep your elbows up, push your hips back as you lower and drive back up for 6 reps.  Next is a military press.  You will be limited in this entire complex by the weight you can military press or push press, but I want you to choose a weight you can press overhead 15 times.  Press up and with your last one, bring the bar behind your head to move directly into a back squat.  For back squats, press your hips down and back and drive back up.  Finish with a forward lunge.  Step forward, lunge and drive up, alternating sides.  You will find that your upper back and legs will be a little fatigued with this complex.  Do these 6 exercises with 6 repetitions for each one, rest and repeat for a total of 3 times through.  After the complex, we\'re going to move into a couple of tri-sets.  We\'ll have a lot of resistance training, but no interval training.  Move right into a 3-exercise circuit starting with either underhanded inverted rows or a chin-up with knee up.  For the chin-up with knee-up, we\'re going to combine our lats and biceps with abs.  Use an underhand grip, do a chin-up while bringing your knees up and back down nice and slow.  Do 2 reps short of failure (if you can do 10 of them, you will only do 8).  If you cannot do the chin-up with knee up, you can do underhanded inverted rows instead.  With your palms facing you and your body in a straight line, pull yourself up and slowly lower back down.  This is an easier exercise, but if you want to work your upper back a bit more, this will do that.  Next, move into spiderman climb pushups.  These are the same as spiderman pushups, except you will touch your foot to the ground.  Start in pushup position and bring your knee to your elbow as you lower down.  Keep your abs braced.  Do 1 repetition short of failure for these.  If you can do 10 reps, then only do 9 reps.  Finish this circuit with a 1-leg stability ball leg curls (this is why we did so much hamstring warmup).  This is a powerful exercise for your hamstrings.    Raise one leg up and bridge your hips.  Curl the ball in and back out, contracting your hamstring.  Do all reps on one side and repeat on the other side.  Rest 1 minute and repeat this circuit 2 more times.  We\'re going to finish this workout with something that is a bit different than usual.  We\'ll finish with 3 exercises in a circuit, but we\'re going to do 5 reps for each.  First up are incline presses.  Drive up and in and slowly lower down and out for 3 seconds.  With the incline, you will be working the deltoid muscles more.  Move directly into dumbbell split squats.  You will probably use lighter weights for these.  Start with your lead leg out in front.  Your lead leg will be doing all the work, while your rear leg will be used for balance and stretching through your quadricep.  Lower and hold for a 1 second pause at the bottom and drive back up through your lead leg (quadricep) and your glute.  Do 5 reps on each side.  Next move into a stability ball ab pike.  Start with your feet on the ball and keep your body in a straight line.  Push your hips straight up pike in and back out.  Go as high as you can.  You will do 5 reps.  Rest 1 minute and repeat 4 more times (for a total of 5 times total).  At this point, you may be fairly tired out, but you still might be able to press out a decent amount of weight.  No interval training for workout B.       And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask  Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training  Membership site here: http://www.ttmembers.com' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , cardio , exercise , workouts , loss , weight , fat , exercises , training , ab , bodyweight , burn , Turbulence

See also: six pack abs , Less , zum , fam , Muskelaufbau , fit yoga , for 24 hours , tai , Alon , workout plan at home
