'Hardcore Workout - Tabata Protocol'

Posted Mar 2

'Hardcore Workout - Tabata Protocol'

'http://www.thehardcoreworkout.com NB. These workouts are not for beginners, you should have at least 6 months training history and no injury before attempting them.   Created by Dr Izumi Tabata, this protocol is an intense cardio interval training method that improves anaerobic and aerobic fitness simultaneously.  In this Hardcore Workout video, we are demonstrating with the Kettlbell Swing and the Kettlebell Clean and Press, but you can use any form of cardio conditioning (sprinting, rowing, biking, bagwork etc.) or other strength training exercises.  Simply perform intense work for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds rest and repeat for a total of 8 cycles.  This is a great method for burning fat.' 

Tags: tabata , strength training , kettlebell swing , interval training , aerobic fitness , intense cardio , cardio interval

See also: cha , bench press , yoga en ligne , curefitworkout , a e tv , sweat , best treadmill , how to lose fat , love , full body workout at home
