'POUND FIT with Kak Rima Melati - Road to IONATION Bandung 2022'

Posted Jan 19

'POUND FIT with Kak Rima Melati - Road to IONATION Bandung 2022'

'Halo temen-temen semua jadi kali ini aku lagi ikutan Road to Ionation 2022 di Bandung tepatnya di Plaza Belakang Gedung Sate Bandung. Aku ikut event Pound Fit bareng Kak Rima Melati. So.. enjoy the video!!  Hallo aku AnnisaRisna, you can find me on  Instagram: https://instagram.com/annisarisna_ Twitter: https://twitter.com/annisarisna  tag: road to ionation 2022 bandung ion water pocari sweat pound fit with rima melati, pound fit rima melati, pound fit with rima melati adams, pound fit with rima melati dance pound fit banding pound fit workout, pound fit workout indonesia, pound fit workout 30 minutes, poundfit rockout workout, pound fit stick plaza belakang gedung sate bandung' 

Tags: pound fit workout , road to ionation 2022 bandung , ion water pocari sweat , pound fit with rima melati , pound fit rima melati , pound fit with rima melati adams , pound fit with rima melati dance , pound fit bandung , pound fit workout indonesia , pound fit workout 30 minutes , poundfit rockout workout , pound fit stick , plaza belakang gedung sate bandung

See also: how to squat , Calorie Challenge , �Exercise Fitness , Z Health , Fight , prof , sel , Crossland X , intense , 35
