'Joe Wicks’ amazing journey from skint PT to fitness mogul worth £14m'

Posted Nov 15, 2023

'Joe Wicks’ amazing journey from skint PT to fitness mogul worth £14m'

'Thanks for watching my video.  If you like my videos, please subscribe to the channel to receive the latest videos  Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use (https://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright/).  For any copyright, please send me a message.   This week Joe Wicks has cemented himself as the absolute God of fitness in the UK, with his PE with Joe YouTube series raking in millions of views in a short number of days, bringing welcome respite amid the anxiety of the coronavirus pandemic.  There is a reason he’s been dubbed the ‘Vera Lynn of the nation’, you know.  Known as The Body Coach, Joe, 33, has been kicking about for years, finding fame for his workout videos and his massively popular Lean in 15 cookbooks and recipes.  Hustling to get his name out there in the early days, the father-of-two has long-documented his less-than-glamorous upbringing, and tough foray into the fitness sphere.  Far from a childhood rooted in fitness, Joe had previously explained he grew up on a council estate and his single mum had ‘no idea about healthy eating’, feeding the family on a diet of pasta and sandwiches each night – ‘and lots of chocolate’.    He once revealed he’d borrowed £2,000 from his parents in order to purchase some dumbbells – before trying to promote his business by handing out fliers to commuters.  Now – look at him: Joe is said to be worth £14.5million and boasts a fitness and wellness empire with over 3.2m Instagram followers and nearly 2m YouTube subscribers. And two networks, Channel 4 and BBC, knocking on his door wanting to broadcast his workouts on their channels.  After studying sports science at St Mary’s University in Twickenham, Joe set his sights on becoming a PE teacher. However after that fell flat, he turned his hand to personal training and classes.  But only eight years ago Joe was handing out flyers for his Richmond bootcamps, Rumble In The Park, outside tube stations – and not getting many takers.  He once admitted that for a period no one turned up to his classes and in 2012 he failed to make a single pound from his fitness business.  Joe previously told The Mirror: ‘I remember I was really upset because I didn’t have any clients and I thought I’d never be able to pay my parents back.   ‘But I loved personal training, I instantly thought, “This is what I’m supposed to be doing,” and it all accelerated from there.’  In 2014 Joe took advantage of the video function on Instagram ahead of the curve of other influencers and began posting his workouts online alongside inspirational clips and nutrition tips.    It didn’t take long for people to gravitate to his energising and enthusiastic 15-second videos in which he’d whack a bunch of ingredients into a pan, tell you to whizz it up or chuck it in the oven (‘and that right there, is lean in 15!’).  A year later, he launched his first cookbook, aptly-named Lean in 15 – which shifted 77,000 copies in its first week, smashing all sorts of records.' 

Tags: breaking news today , fox news , fox news today , MoreJoe Wicks

See also: Omuz Egzersizleri � , iMovie , merengue , di , Crossland X , jason blaha 5x5 , kids , Sunny Knows , sel , viral शॉर्ट्स व� डियो
