'Started a New Workout Program

Posted Sep 27, 2023

'Started a New Workout Program

'Hola! How’s everyone?  So I did a thing, I committed on a workout program for 50 days. It is the Epic Program by @carolinegirvan. I just want to up my workout regime and I got bored with my own routine so here I am busting my aszzz off! I finished one of her program before but this time I’ll dial down on my food intake. Hihi so far my legs and bumbum are sore lol  As I grow older, I realize that exercising is so important with your over all health, physically and mentally. Aesthetics will just be a bonus. For the last decade i workout so I can be skinny but it is not  working and I find that moving my body is such a dreadful task. Learned the hard-way though haha anyhoo, I’ll do this and might be the only commitment I’ll have for the year wahahaha  Do you guys have any plan on your fitness journey?  

Tags: Lifestyle , motivation , workout routine , vlogs , epic , caroline girvan , daily life , epic program , MiniVlog

See also: fun , win , bai , fat loss , bulking , fitness , jan , twerking workout , california , hot
