'Feed your mind, body, and soul! Today is leg day!! (너의 마음과 몸과 영혼을 살찌워라! 오늘은 하체 조지는 날)'

Posted Oct 27, 2022

'Feed your mind, body, and soul!  Today is leg day!! (너의 마음과 몸과 영혼을 살찌워라! 오늘은 하체 조지는 날)'

'Welcome back to the channel.  Today, I am taking you to the gym.  Usually, I am a quiet person when it comes to my mornings.  First thing when I wake up, I thank God for another day of breath of life, read His word, then I head to the gym.  채널에 돌아온 걸 환영해 오늘, 나는 너를 체육관에 데려갈 거야. 나는 보통 아침마다 조용한 사람이다. 내가 깨어났을 때, 나는 하루 더 살아 숨쉬는 것에 대해 하나님께 감사하고, 그의 말을 읽고 나서 체육관으로 향한다.  Normal schedule: 평소 일정 0330 Wake Up 기상 0400 Gym 체육관 0530 Getting ready for work 출근 준비  I do not spend a lot of time in the gym because I am not trying to become the next Mr. Atlas but trying to stay healthy and get stronger.  I work specific muscle groups, and I get in a cardio workout.  Run, Walk, or Bike. (30-45 min weight training & 20-30 min cardio) Today is leg day.  I work the legs because it is the most used muscle beside your core.  I started off with front squats.  Front squats work the legs, saves the back and knees, it also enforces good back squat technique, it provides Olympic lift transference, and keeps flexibility in check.    Next, I focus on the back squat, this is my strong point.  The back squat improves lower back strength, increase lower body power, build a muscular core/torso (due to stabilization of weight), sharpen body awareness and coordination, build resiliency in sports and daily life.   Next is the leg press machine, it allows you to get the benefits of a barbell squat for developing the quadriceps. Secondarily, it promotes the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and calves. By varying your foot position, you can emphasize different muscles.   The Hack Squat is next, by strengthening your quads, knees, and ligaments. The hack squat is an exercise that benefits the entire core muscles, lower back muscles, whole leg muscles, glutes, and even strengthening tendons to ensure the body remains healthy and strong in every way possible.  Next is the Glute kickbacks machine.  The benefit of the cable kickbacks is one of the best glutes exercises you can do with cable. They primarily target the glutes, including your butt and hips, but also shape up your legs and the rest of your lower body. Your buttocks are one of the most massive muscles made up of 3 gluteal muscles. My wife enjoys smacking my glutes!  Calf extensions are next and like the leg press, but instead of pushing the resistance plate with your legs, you flex your ankles and push the plate with the balls of your feet. If you keep your legs straight, the exercise targets the gastrocnemius and uses the soleus as an assisting muscle.  Leg extensions are a vital exercise in strengthening the patellar ligament and quadriceps attachment for the knee. This exercise focuses on strengthening the quad alone and, therefore, strengthens the knee joint.   Next, I worked on the inner and outer thigh.  The benefit of the inner/outer-thigh machine is that muscles that are often neglected, and therefore imbalanced, can be increased explicitly in strength and size. That can make the hip feel more secure during other leg exercises. I finished off legs on this routine with resisted stairs.  20 minutes and I was done!  Every step on the stair-climber engages your calves, glutes, quads, and hamstrings, so it\'s an excellent way to target and tone your lower body.  I do legs 1 – 2 times a week.  A typical workout week is Leg, Chest, Back, Shoulder, Arms then two-day break - Leg & Shoulder, Back & Biceps, Chest & Triceps, then one day rest, then start over.  Every workout day, I do a 20-30 min Cardio.  I usually choose different exercises during each workout routine.  It depends on two things: what I want to target and what space is available during COVID social distancing.  I go early because there is usually only 20 people in the gym at 0400.  Lastly, I work out to stay healthy and get stronger.  At this age and the fact that I let myself deteriorate after I retired from the military, I am in this for me and no one else!! There are lots of healthy, significant, and young folk in the gym, but I am here for me!    Disclaimer: I am not an expert when it comes to weight training.  What I can tell you is that I absolutely love getting my sweat and swole on!  I am still learning techniques and what target muscle group each exercise benefits.    Shout out to Troy Davis, who motivated me to get healthy and Gary Bush for spending a year teaching me how to use the gym!!  A year and a half ago, I would not be going to the gym at 0400. In fact, I would be trying to fall asleep after midnight. I am trying to change my lifestyle, one demon at a time.     Write in the comments section what you would like for me to talk about in a future video.  Live well, Love well, Peace.  Thank you for joining me on this journey.' 

Tags: #legday , #life , #smile , #StaySafe , #friends , #stayhealthy , #southkorea , #mindbodysoul , #myjourney , #positivevibes , #lovelife , #over50 , #onebody , #Livewell , #ChamorroinKorea , #ChamorrofromGuam , #Lovewell , #Godbless , #LoveKorea , #civilianlife , #Koreanresidentcard , #emptynesters , #don'tskiplegday , #earlybird , #getstronger

See also: Carol , gimnasio , fitnessmotivation , �flat belly � , exerc , leg exercises , Canada s Food Guide , cardio workout at home , strength , Kr
