'Did Chris Jones Finesse Anytime Fitness!?'

Posted Jun 28, 2022

'Chris Jones is under heat while visiting New Jersey. Are these allegations true? THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK ON CHRIS JONES.  I like the guy. Just reporting news, i suppose. The link in question:https://www.facebook.com/111701068866571/photos/a.183606101676067.34562.111701068866571/946015372101799/?type=3&theater' 

Tags: bodybuilding , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Swole nerd , hottie , pog , chris jones , physiques of greatness , Vince G , Anytime Fitness (Business Operation)

See also: diet plan , spor , edm dance workout , Aerobics , transformations , handles , yoga du matin , chor , tami , TV Fitness
