Posted Apr 20, 2022

'The goalkeeper specific hand coordination and core workout was incorporated along with a free weight program during the pre-season.  The Los Angeles Blues goalkeepers haved worked hard throughout the pre-season on developing their strenght, stamina and suppleness.  The in gym workouts have been complimented with technical and tactical work on the field.  The LA Blues coaching staff is delighted to have Carl Woszczynski in goal, and we are all excited to see him play his first match.  Remember to always warm-up and stretch before performing any drills... Enjoy!!' 

Tags: fitness , gym , Health , training , crossfit , soccer , Football , drill , Futbol , goalkeeper , goalkeeping , Free Weights , calcio , torwart , arquero , portiere , Goalie , Portero , guardameta , goleiro , maimand , torhuter , doeiman

See also: cult at home workouts , den , training , inter , get fit , fitness music , abnehmen , home workouts , YouTube , glute workout
