'The Platz Squat - My New Favorite Squat Accessory (Home Gym Friendly)'

Posted Apr 10, 2022

'POINTS THAT DID NOT MAKE THE CUT:  1. This is something I program specifically for people who squat with a moderate stance width and/or pull sumo.  If you already squat with a narrow stance width AND you pull conventional, then I do not recommend this.  Too much overlap.    Instead, I recommend a constant tension front squat.  Also for 15 rep sets in the same context as I mention in the video.  That has a major downside of the upper back limiting fatigue, it\'s a slightly inferior quad accessory, but it\'s needed to keep enough variation in the program.  A zombie squat is also a great idea in that context to force a positive shin angle.  2. Mentally view this like an isolation lift.  I recommend keeping hype low on these, other than the test set, and to keep the pace in between reps relatively quick.  This is critical because it\'ll make it easier to reach RPE 6.5 without systemically taxing you too much.  We\'re chasing local fatigue.    I personally restrict myself to 1-2 seconds in between reps on multi-set days.  If that forces you to lower the weight, you\'ll be glad you did that, instead of letting things get chaotic.   3. This is NOT a replacement exercise.  I don\'t believe this trains the quads in a way that\'s superior for hypertrophy if all other variables are removed.  This is context specific to someone who\'s adding it in to skew the fatigue more towards the quads than the hips cumulatively.  With that in mind, it can have a very real advantage as raising your work capacity is critical to long term growth.    4. If you have knee pain, don\'t do this.  I know it\'s crazy for a Youtuber to say this, but your experience matters more than my opinions.  Sources regarding periodization: https://www.strongerbyscience.com/periodization-data/ + https://peerj.com/articles/3695/' 

Tags: fitness , bodybuilding , hypertrophy , squat , building muscle , weightlifting , powerlifting , tom platz , how to squat , Accessory , powerlifter , squatting , increase squat , platz squat

See also: figure , Martial Arts , Jane Fonda workout , vücut geliştirme , gym at home , MA , triceps , step , legs , The
