'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A June 26th, 2016'

Posted Mar 15, 2022

'Weekly Fitness Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:28 Any calf training tips for someone with horrible calf genetics?Do you train them just like any muscle group and apply progressive overload or would you do some special training methods for them? 2:52 What books regarding training would you recommend? A few that I\'ve been looking at and am especially interested in your opinion are: Scientific principles of training, Science and practice of strength training, and the Art and Science of Lifting. Thanks! 4:11 Hey Jason, long time fan, but have been busy with life in a new country. How are your plans for breaking the 181 Texas records going? 5:57 Can getting older really make you just gain weight straight away or is it a gradual progression? I have changed NOTHING in terms of activity, workout structure, macros etc over the past 2 weeks yet the scale has shot up 2kg in 2wks? I turned 22 last month and part of me is thinking im just getting old\"er\" and thats why? 8:22 Can you explain about fat cells being created when you gain fat, and if they are only shrunk or completely destroyed when cutting? and also if it\'s easier to gain fat when you have had more fat in the past due to merely shrunken (not destroyed) fat cells? 10:31 Jason, do you think a diabetic person could benefit from a ketogenic diet? 11:42 Hey Jason. I wanted to ask you if I could train first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I work for almost 12 to 13 hours a day and dont get time to train during day and even in the evening. Will it effect my strength on the main lifts and if yes what can I do to maintain or increase it? Thanks bro. You are doing a really great job by helping others. 13:27 Hey Jason, would you regard light jogging as HIIT cardio or LISS cardio? I\'m currently cutting doing fast walking on an inclined treadmill as my form of cardio (worth 300kcals). I\'m wondering if I could do light jogging on the treadmill instead in order to improve my endurance or if this would hinder recovery or even make me lose muscle as you suggested in one of your videos. Thanks! 15:06 Jason, lets say I have been lifitng for a few years and would be considered an intermediate lifter. If I were to take a considerable amount of time off and lose most of my strength basically deconditioning my body and then started to lift again, would I be a begginer again in terms of my gains or would my body revert back to slow progress as I already was an intermediate lifter? 18:13 Hey Jason, what are the best exercizes to become more explosive? 19:31 thoughts on physique and self induced anorexia. I see it at the gym all the time. This seems to be a bit worse than what bodybuilders do because the physique guys don\'t need to build any muscle to compete. Its more like take some t**n and eat 1500 calories and you can compete. 22:09 Are human beings really altruistic? ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha Fitness Here!  http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha\'s Firearm Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , muscle , SPORTS , strength , training , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: at home workout videos , str , cosmetic , Fitness Diaries , fat loss plan , workout plan at home , fun workout , choreographed workout , tone , iifym
