'Self-Hypnosis For Strength Gainz - Gym Chat 232'

Posted Mar 10, 2022

'In this Gym Chat I\'ll be welcoming back my friend and colleague Jen Mulhall  to explain how YOU can use self-hypnosis to improve your strength training results!  Jen is a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, hypnotherapist, life coach, and the owner of Thrive 365. She is also a Trainer of NLP, TLT and Hypnotherapy. She is going to be revealing some powerful techniques to help you master the Inner Game to help you \"train your brain\" for success with your physical goals.  The fact is that your outer world reflects your inner world... it\'s your mental programming that determines your physical results. Until you take charge of your psychology, even the greatest training program and nutrition plan will not have optimal results.   One powerful technique you can use is Self-Hypnosis. Watch the video for a full explanation. Here is the brief exercise we described in the video, to bring yourself into a trance state where you can program your subconscious mind with positive suggestions:  (Disclaimer: If you have experienced any severe past trauma, then make sure to work with a board certified hypnotherapist before using self-hypnosis.)  Steps for self-hypnosis:  1. Take a deep breath and close your eyes, also helps to take a deep breath, then fold over as you exhale. 2. Keep the eyes closed, and allow them to relax completely. 3. Allow that relaxation to flow through your entire body. 4. Open and close your eyes a few times. 5. Allow your mind to totally relax. 6. When you are completely relaxed and breathing deeply: 7. Give yourself direct precise suggestions about your desires, what you are doing, being or having. Make sure the suggestions are completely positive and focus on what you want. 8. Bring yourself out of trance - allow your mind to totally re-energize and allow your body to be completely re-energized and awake. 9. ROCK IT and DESTROY PRs!  (Information sourced from the Tad James Co. and Kim Redman & Creatrix Transformational Solutions Inc.) ----------------------  Here\'s that FREE OFFER as mentioned in the video:  Complimentary MIND STRENGTH Strategy Session! With Jen from THRIVE 365   So... your training and nutrition is bang on but you are not making the gains you want?  You\'re grinding away at the gym and you feel like you are totally standing still?  Do you keep getting injured when you start to make progress?  Learn all about how your mind could be holding you back from acheiving your true potential... because it all starts in the mind doesn\'t it?   Learn all about how you can annihilate those mental road blocks and destroy your PRs!   To redeem your complimentary session, go to http://www.thrive365life.com, click on the contact page, fill in your information, and add in the message box that you watched the Self-Hypnosis Gym Chat!   Session will be in person, through skype, or by phone.  http://www.thrive365life.com  http://www.facebook.com/Thrive365  -------------  FYI: All Gym Chats interviews are recorded and made available for you to view after the HangOut either on Google+ or YouTube. To watch the other Gym Chats videos and get notified of future Chats, be sure to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel at: http://www.YouTube.com/user/topformfitness  and add me to your Google+ Circles at:  https://plus.google.com/b/104209961539696215432/+topformfitness/posts  You can also check out the full list of previous Gym Chats at http://straighttothebar.com/gymchats/links/.  If you\'d like to be a guest in an upcoming Gym Chat (we do these every week), or if you want to suggest someone as a guest, let us know by contacting me by email at Josh@Top-Form-Fitness.com or messaging me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/topformfitness .  To learn more about the Gym Chats check out:http://straighttothebar.com/gymchats/   Special thanks to our Sponsors! http://straighttothebar.com/gymchats/sponsors/ and  http://www.SDPharmaceuticals.com  Also check me out all over the inter-webs at:  My Website: http://www.top-form-fitness.com Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/topformfitness Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/topformfitness Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/topformfitness Straight To The Bar: http://www.straighttothebar.com' 

Tags: body , training , power , chat , brain , mental , self , mind , talking , mindset , control , #hangoutsonair , Hangouts On Air , #hoa , mind power , hypnosis , hypnotist , Self-hypnosis , Hypnosis (Taxonomy Subject)

See also: home exercise , flat stomach , treadmill under , antrenman , conditioning , joe wix , India , burn calories , yoga pour débutants , Ifbb pro
