'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A June 12th 2016'

Posted Feb 17, 2022

'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A June 12th 2016'

'Weekly Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:10 Hi Jason, can you please cover the topic of weightlifting and arterial stiffness? Several recent studies have shown that long term weightlifting causes arterial stiffening. This is a known risk factor for cardiac diseas. Is this arterial stiffening benign because it was caused by healthy activities as opposed to being caused by being obese, hypertensive, diabetic… ? 2:12 Hey Jason, thought maybe you can explain a bit more on how to do 1 set per body-part workouts like you in order to get in and out of the gym asap including stuff like how many reps are optimal, how to deal with plateaus etc.. and also will this be enough volume for legs working out 3 times a week? 4:54 Greetings Jason! Could You explain how to properly carb-ub for photo-shoot / show? Please give some tips for drug-free person, who wants to look as full and dry as possible. If You be so kind please talk about water, sodium, carbs and fat manipulation on a specific days before event(5-1 days out). Also do You think drinking 100ml of vodka night before event would be beneficial? Thank You for your hard work! 9:06 You said in your ICF 5x5 video that if you aren\'t rowing 3x a week you\'re short changing your back development. Do you still take this stance? If so, why? 10:32 For an individual who has very little cardio endurance, what would your recommended program be to increase this endurance while still trying to run your novice program. And doing so WITHOUT becoming so tired that it prevents you from weightlifting. Assume NO history of ever having high endurance, and assume muscle weakenes as a factor in the problem. Because every time I try to add in cardio, i end up stalling on my lifts and frying my cns. 11:57 Training when injured...I\'ve recently broken my finger..so any heavy back work is out..luckily I\'m \"cutting\" possible to not lose strength an size if I switched to 15/20 reps of light weight..or should I forget it and squat more? 13:24 Hey Jason. I\'m running your beginner program. If I miss a day. Say I\'m starting Sunday morning as my Monday. Then I train Tuesday. But can\'t make it till Saturday. Should I go on Saturday or just chalk it up as a deload and wait till Sunday again so I don\'t throw the whole next week off. Or is that just over thinking it. 15:10 hey Jason, you\'ve talked a lot about how when a drug free lifter is stupid shredded, they look starved and flat. However individuals on gear don\'t have this issue. Is it simply a matter of retaining lean mass better, or does it work through another pathway involving fluid balance, etc. ? 17:51 Hey Jason as stated in your recent video that said 70-90% of diseases are caused by a persons lifestyle, does that study also apply to testicular cancer in young men where there are specific age ranges of when men can contract the disease? Thanks. 19:52 If a drug free lifter is trying to utilize a Bulgarian light style of training for strength, what kind of sets and reps should be spent on a given exercise 21:44 How do you stay sexy with all the hate thrown your way? ►Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Subscribe to the JuggernautTacticalTV channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , muscle , SPORTS , strength , training , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: �Get , �exercise , train hard , anf , ejercicio , cult fit India , az , video , curefit workout , lift
