'Weight Loss & Fitness Tips: Best Nutrition Tips for Weight Loss | Tips to Lose Weight & Get Healthy'

Posted Feb 10, 2022

'Weight Loss & Fitness Tips: Easy Ways to Lose Weight & Get Healthy | Nutrition Tips for Weight Loss | #ChetChat  Click on this link to watch Karishma Chawla of Eat Rite 24x7 give weight loss tips and fitness tips, discuss how to lose weight fast and 33 tips on how to lose weight easy at home. Look out for a weight loss diet plan, high protein diets and how to stop overeating. Focus on nutrition for weight loss with a nutritionist who gives best nutrition tips for weight loss and nutrition for general fitness.   Karishma is a certified nutritionist with a specialisation in fitness and in this interview on weight loss she gives her 34 top weight loss tips in the most inspirational weight loss video   1. What should be my ideal body weight – focus on ideal body composition, maintain a low body fat percentage and good muscle tone. This way you are not prone to diabetes, PCOS and obesity 2. Carbs – emphasize on good carbs – jowar, bajra, oats, quinoa, instead of white rice and refined flour.  3. Weight loss nutrition tips - stick to one Keep the servings of carbs low 4. Nutrition advice for weight loss - Combine fibre and protein for a complete meal 5. Eating after 8 pm – what you eat two hours before bedtime is important. Carbs are a source of energy, if the energy is not going to be expended then it gets stored as fat.  6. Know your body type – for endomorphs avoid having carbs in the night 7. Weight loss tricks - Snacking options – ideal food to eat post dinner – good nuts, skim milk, skim curd, sprout salad 8. Weight loss diet plan - Eat the right quality of foods every 2 hours 9. High Protein diet – have adequate proteins at regular intervals 10. How to stop overeating and reduce cravings – cinnamon water helps reduce cravings 11. Focus on your goals 12. Best nutrition tips for weight loss - Conquer sweet tooth – consume 75% dark chocolate or figs and raisins sparingly 13. Protein – for every 1 kg of lean mass you carry you should consume 1 gram of lean protein 14. How to increase your BMR – consuming high thermogenic foods every 2 hours increases your BMR – Basal metabolic rate 15. Drinking adequate water is imperative 16. Fitness tips and tricks – exercise regularly – cardio, strength training and yoga for flexibility and stress management. This will complete the fitness circle 17. Nutrition advice for weight loss - Have whey protein in water instead of skipping meals 18. Supplements – consider supplements of protein powder, vitamins, antioxidants and probiotics 19. Women health diet ideas – How to deal with PCOS – inculcate diet, exercise and discipline 20. PCOS Tips – have good carbs in lower quantities 21. Good proteins – skim milk, skim curd, skim paneer, lean chicken, fish, egg whites 22. PCOS remedies – olive oil 2/3 tbsps a day and essential fatty acids / omega 3 acids from fish, fish oil caps or flaxseeds 23. PCOS Tips – exercise regularly – cardio and strength training 24. Nutrition for general fitness - Strength training increases BMR for 8 hours 25. Oils to consume – olive oil, groundnut oil and rice bran oil 26. Essential fatty acids, omega 3 – fish oil caps and flaxseeds 27. Salad dressings – lo fat curd, lemon juice, vinegar, herbs and spices 28. When eating out, call for the salad dressing on the side and have 2 tsps max 29. Fasting is not recommended for weight loss 30. Symptoms that your body needs a detox – mood swings, acne, inability to move, sluggishness, fatigue 31. Weigh yourself between 7 and 15 days 32. Keep a food journal 33. Monitor how you feel rather than how many kgs you have lost 34. Never Give up  Host - Chetna Vasishth  Where you can find us  YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjnJwlSN4_FuoE-6RWX_Eaw  Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/chetchat101/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/chetchat101  Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/chetchat101/  Google Plus - https://plus.google.com/+ChetChat/posts  Tumblr - http://chetchat101.tumblr.com/ Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/chetchat  Affimity- https://affimity.com/u/chetchat  Pinterest - https://in.pinterest.com/chetchat/   Gmail - chetchat101@gmail.com  Click the link below to get our More Videos:  Entrepreneur Success Story India-- https://goo.gl/jDs525  How to Become a Lawyer-- https://goo.gl/GPYItf  How to Become a Doctor-- https://goo.gl/uks2Ch  How to Become a CA-- https://goo.gl/gn9Hz1  Nutrition for general fitness, Weight Loss Tips, chet chat, Fitness Tips, How to Lose Weight Fast, nutrition for general fitness, Weight Loss & Fitness Tips, How to Lose Weight Easy at Home, weight loss diet plan, cheat meals for weight loss, nutrition for weight loss, nutritionist weight loss, Best Nutrition Tips for Weight Loss, weight loss nutrition tips, nutrition advice for weight loss, weight loss tricks, weight loss, How To Lose Weight Fast and Easy' 

Tags: Weight loss , fitness tips , weight loss tips , how to lose weight fast , easy ways to lose weight , fat to fab , nutrition for weight loss , tips to lose weight fast , How to lose weight fast and easy , how to weight loss fast , Nutrition for general fitness , chet chat , Weight Loss and Fitness Tips , How to Lose Weight Easy at Home , Best Nutrition Tips for Weight Loss , weight loss nutrition tips , nutrition advice for weight loss

See also: triceps , fitness bootcamp , ventre plat , US Army , bender , kettlebell , muscle building , kickboxing , 2017 , fitness ministry
