'Jason Blaha Q&As June 4th, 2017 Part 2'

Posted Dec 24, 2021

'0:10 Hey Jason, I\'ve started going on long walks as my form of LISS cardio. I walk about 1-2 hours a day. People say walking doesn\'t burn many calories, but since I started walking a lot more, I\'ve seen a drop in the scale. I think it\'s a good calorie burner for me personally, because I still carry about 60 pounds of extra body fat, so it\'s like walking with a weighted vest. What\'s your opinion? 3:34 Is the Sumo Deadlift an acceptable alternative given it significantly reduces ROM compared to the Conventional Deadlift for those of us with Macroorchidism and short T-rex arms or would I be better off doing something else if my focus is in building brutal strength and explosiveness? 6:18 Can you touch on the roll of glycogen in fat loss? Can one lose fat with near full stores the whole time? And how often should one refeed when on a 500cal deficit? 10:24 Is there a benefit to putting the big compound movements of a workout at the end and using isolation work to warm up? Or would is it generally better to do a warmup then the big lifts then accessory work? 12:40 From an athletic power perspective what weight is ideal to be moved. You have mentioned theres no performance advantage of more than a double body weight squat in American football. What about bench, push press and row? 15:44 Hey Jason what are your thoughts on tabata workouts was thinking about using them after my workouts or maybe on off days, trying to cut down do you think this is a good strategy? Currently do full body 3-4x/wk Thanks 18:15 Hey Jason, I understand your thoughts on supplements in general. However, what do you think about y*himbine? Research has shown that it may assist in fat loss. Thoughts? 19:44 Hi Jason, I started power cleaning a couple months ago and I\'m seeing massive improvements in my athleticism. I love to do weighted chin ups, and my back work usually consists of power cleans 3x5 and weighted chins 3x5 every other day. I enjoy the power clean so much, it\'s totally replaced my deadlift. How can I program in deadlifts if I still want to power clean every training session? I\'m seeing way better results concentrating on push press + power clean than when i was concentrating on squat and deadlift, thanks. ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha Fitness Here!  http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Jason Blaha Fitness Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/JuggernautFitness2 ►Jason\'s Lifting demonstrations:   https://youtu.be/yS8yUgRMiy4?list=PLh6yhljKWsN8iB4dy_-3AtuNztwXjVxzp ►Jason Blaha\'s 5x5 Novice Program: http://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/jason-blaha-ice-cream-fitness-5x5-novice-workout ►Basic Strength & Fitness Program For Non-Athletes: http://youtu.be/pm-mYQ7a3xM ►Off Season Linear Periodization Intermediate Strength Program #1: http://youtu.be/f_xnD7CKCuk   ►Subscribe to the Jason Blaha Firearm Enthusiast channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , SPORTS , strength training , athletics , powerlifting

See also: shredded , budget treadmill , squat challenge , 45 , how to lose weight fast , tiktok , TV Fitness , 6 body fat , musique pour faire du sport , instagram
