'The Baby Up: Modified Push Up | Transform Exercise Modification Series'

Posted Nov 12, 2021

'Looking for a push up modification so you can still work out your shoulders, triceps, and chest? The baby up is a great exercise modification.   Watch as Chris Powell demonstrates how to do a proper baby up, so you can throw them into your workout routine.  For more information on all things exercise, nutrition, and more, check out https://transformhq.com/' 

Tags: Workout , exercise , Push Up , Chris Powell , Heidi Powell , push up exercise , push up modification , push up variation , transformhq , chris and heidi , transform with chris and heidi , baby up

See also: rai , �flat belly � , vlogger , mission to live fit , training motivation , instagram , sel , theraband , �fitness , बॉल� वुड क� 10 बड़� खबरें
