'Hardcore Workout A'

Posted May 9

'CLICK HERE FOR A FREE WORKOUT! http://www.turbulencetraining.com  Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click  here to get started: http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com  This is Workout A from the TT Hardcore 2K10 program.  We\'re going to start with a metabolic resistance circuit of 4 exercises starting with an explosive power exercise with 3 vertical jumps (each one being it\'s own repetition).  You can do these with your hands up behind your head.  Squat down and drive up and land soft on your feet with your knees bent and your hips back.  Use your muscles to absorb the force.  You will next move into dumbbell chest presses.  Lie flat on the bench and press up and in, slowly lower down and out for 3 reps.  Next, move into dumbbell reverse lunges (you will probably use lighter weights than you were using for the chest press).  Step back with your chest up, using your lead leg to pull you back up while you contract your glute.  Do all reps on one side and then switch to the other side.  The next exercise will be a 45 second stability ball plank.  Keep your body in a straight line and hold with your abs braced and breathe normal.  This is an advanced exercise.  Up next, we have another metabolic circuit of 5 exercises starting with pull-ups.  I want you to go 2 reps short of failure, so if you can do 10, you will only do 8.  Take an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width apart, pull your chest up to the bar and keep it controlled on the way down.  Next, move into dips, doing 2 reps short of failure.  I want you to keep your knees up and your body forward to keep the stress off of your shoulder joints.  Slowly lower down and drive back up.  Next up are dumbbell rows with 12 reps per side.  Start with your knee bent and a flat back with a slight bend in your elbow.  Row up and slowly down.  Repeat reps on other side.  Cross Body Mountain Climbers are next.  This is one of my favorite oblique exercises.  Start out in a pushup position and brace your abs.  Bring your right knee to your left elbow, keeping your abs braced and alternating sides.  Grab another set of dumbbells for rear deltoid raises.  Press your hips back with a flat back.  Raise your arms out to the sides and slowly lower down.  Go through this circuit a couple of times and then finish with adrenaline interval training (24 seconds on and 36 seconds off) each week you will do more according to the manual.  This is a really tough workout and will probably take you close to an hour to get through it, but this is hardcore.  And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask  Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training  Membership site here: http://www.ttmembers.com' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , cardio , exercise , workouts , loss , weight , fat , exercises , training , ab , bodyweight , burn , Turbulence

See also: lunges , Fitness Girls , val , d �abdos , jeff seid , strong , boot camp , cure fit , coreograf , zumba music
