'STX How To Front bridge on a fitness ball, hardcore exercise basics'

Posted Mar 11

'Form often takes a back seat to quantity and intensity in hardcore workouts. This modified front bridge on an exercise ball improves core strength by helping you focus on perfect form. Learn how to activate your Transverse Abdominus (TA), the deep ab muscle that is responsible for day-to-day or functional stability. This is a 1 rep, 1 set, 45-second exercise demo. This exercise is part of a complete workout video from the mypypeline.com STX Strength Training Extreme Series, Volume 1, Session 1.' 

Tags: fitness , exercise , core , ball , front , Bridge , Instructional , STX , mypypeline.com , mypypeline

See also: Pull Ups , cardio , the bodycoach , telugu health tips , mast , E Rock , Th , SUSHANT SINGH RAJPUT , Jason Blaha , exerc
