'Health and fitness tips (in English) | Short Video | OPTIFAST UK'

Posted Dec 5, 2023

'Visit the website for more resources and purchase: https://www.optifast.co.uk/  How to get motivated to start running - https://youtu.be/248dnWI5zXc   Have you ever heard the saying, “health is wealth”? It’s true – if we’re not in good health, everything else is meaningless.    Therefore, prioritizing our health and fitness is in our best interests. That’s why in today’s video, we’re sharing with you four health and fitness tips that can help you on your journey to improving and safeguarding the most precious thing you have – your health.     Welcome to the official YouTube channel of OPTIFAST.  OPTIFAST is a scientifically designed low-calorie diet programme intended to help support weight loss. All of our products are suitable as a replacement for individual meals.    1) Eat when you’re hungry    This is a simple but very important tip: eat when you’re actually hungry.    Hunger is a physiological response, whereas appetite is simply the desire to eat, and being bored, depressed, or smelling something delicious can increase your appetite.     If you find distinguishing between the two difficult, try to just focus on recognizing your hunger cues. Check-in with yourself and how you’re feeling, and whether or not you really want to eat. If it seems like you’re craving something unhealthy versus food in general, it’s probably not real hunger.     2) Make healthy food choices    For long-term health, you need to make healthy food choices when you’re hungry. Go for high protein, fiber-rich foods which will help keep you feeling full and satisfied longer, and avoid the processed, high-sugar foods that are low in nutrients and high in calories.     One of the best health and fitness tips is to eat ‘little and often’. Eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, and you’ll be less likely to get hungry and overeat.        3) Keep yourself motivated    For longevity, we need to adopt an overall healthy lifestyle, but it can be challenging to stay motivated.     Make exercise something you enjoy and can do regularly, setting simple fitness goals and celebrating the small wins along the way. A fitness tracker can help you see your progress and encourage you to keep going.     It also helps to surround yourself with like-minded people who can support and encourage you, so work out with friends or join a fitness club or online community.    Cardio is crucial for long-term health, so why not watch our video on “how to get motivated to start running”? You can find the link in the card above or the description below.     4) Stay consistent     While we’re on the health and fitness topic, the last and most important thing to remember is that success and real results come with consistency.     Health is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle, so you must make the journey sustainable and enjoyable. Start small; make only a few changes at a time to your diet and exercise routine and build from there.    Watch the video to know more.  Join our support group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3187644288126740   ------------------------------------------------ LET\'S CONNECT  FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/optifastuk INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/optifastuk/ ---------------------------' 

Tags: health and fitness tips , nestle , Optifast , Nestle Health Science , health and fitness tips in english , health and fitness tips short video , health and fitness topic , health and fitness in english

See also: workouts , the bodycoach , exercise at home , body building , interval , Fitness Telugu , Jason Blaha Fitness , coach , Less , work out
