Posted Nov 6, 2022

'Graham Johnston is a Holistic Personal Health & Fitness Coach with 15+ years experience & is extensively trained by the C.H.E.K Institute, N1Education & Clean Health Fitness Institute to name a few.    Graham\'s true passion is getting people in the best shape of their lives both through physical & emotional transformation they never thought possible for themselves.  Graham coaches clients 1:1 out of Sydneys best - KINGDOM GYM in Brookvale on the NTH beaches & works with clients online looking to improve all areas of health & fitness.  I believe execution to be \"everything\" when it comes to producing RESULTS, therefor I am committed to growing my library of movements to help both my online clients & anyone that see\'s value in the content.  ENJOY!' 

See also: yoga en francais , thigh workout , exercise , beginner , g flux , Shredded � , FIT OL , Martial Arts , ok yoga , Training �
