'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A December 13th 2015'

Posted Mar 8, 2022

'Weekly Fitness Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:49 Hi Jayson. I would like your thoughts on Stem Cell injections as it pertains to orthopedic injuries, particularly shoulder and knee. I am researching different alternatives to surgery. I am 44, 5\'8\" about 165. Exercising between 3-5 times a week focusing on different body parts. 2:20 Im currently doing ICF in preparation for a small stronman competition. The event includes a max rep push press. Do you think It would be wise to do the push press every workout and drop the bench press until after the competiion is done? 4:07 Hey Jason I changed from high volume to high frequency about 5 6 months ago my deadlift has went up dramatically squat moderately but bench press has relatively stayed the same is this normal progression or would I have to add a lil more volume to it since that is the body part that was use to getting worked more due to the overlap of body part splits 5:54 At what point when bulking does increasing calories from fat become a waste of time? As i understand it excess calories from fat aside from the threshold for increasing hormonal function are stored as body fat whereas excess calories from carbohydrates are used for muscle building purposes? Am i wrong? 8:37 Jason, what is your opinion on yoga? I know there are different types like hot yoga etc., but overall what do you think of it as a fitness/health activity? 10:28 I have a an auto immune decease called aloplecia arreta. It started about the same time time I started lifting 3 ago. About the same time my son got diagnosed with epilepsy. I say it\'s stressed related but for some reason my surrounding thinks it has to do with lifting and supps. I only take whey, creatine, vit d and pre work outs. I tell them their full of shit. Any ideas if anything would help. Docs say nothing to be done? I remember you stating you had an auto immune desease but managed to control it I just can\'t remember what it was. 12:41 Shallow hip sockets. I\'m almost 35 years old and it seems I\'ve inhereted my Dad\'s bad hips, and mine are going sooner due to 6 years of ground£ in the Army. I still love the squat and deadlift and always will. Although I notice any kind of squat seems to agrivate my hips more than deadlifting, even 4\" deficit deadlifts my hips seem ok after. Leg pressing and my hips hurt for a week. What are some things I can do to protect my hips while still enjoying recreational/fitness lifting? 14:34 Jason: thanks for the information. You\'ve stated that the idea of \"cycling\" is scientifically not accurate. I\'m also guessing that the Bulgarians hitting training maxes every day were not \"cycling\" any drugs, but we\'re on year round. Obviously there are going to be negatives to permanently using PDEs, but I\'d appreciate if you could expound upon that further. Thanks again 17:59 Why do some people believe that size and steroids are synonymous i.e. \"that MLB pitcher or NFL quarterback doesn\'t look big ergo he mustn\'t be using drugs\"? Could you say specifically what types of drugs these athletes use? 20:40 Hi Jason Could you please do a topic about androgel and if you would recomend this over testosterone cypionate for TRT. If at all possible I would like to talk to you. 22:13 Favourite fictional characters that inspire you personally? (from any medium) ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha Fitness Here!  http://www.youtube.com/user/juggernautfitnesstv?sub_confirmation=1  ►Subscribe to Jason Blaha\'s Firearm Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClvrYLBNFSyuRa0s0qOujqQ?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: fitness , exercise , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , muscle , SPORTS , strength , training , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: powermax treadmill , ear , strength workout , cultfit workout , love , perte de poids , Fitness Tracker , style , fuerza , Training �
