'Jason Blaha\'s Fitness Q&A September 28th 2015'

Posted Oct 28, 2021

'Weekly Fitness Questions Answered by Jason Blaha: 0:40 Hey Jason, if you want to be fit and have a good endurance, would it be better to do 20 mins of cardio 6 times a week or 40 mins of cardio 3 times per week? Thanks man! 1:55 Hey Jason, I just wanted to ask if there is any actual benefit in swapping cardio machines in the same workout, I always see cardio bunnies doing it and to me it just seems pointless since the main goal of cardio is to elevate your heart rate, so you burn more calories. Thanks. 3:20 Hey Jason, you\'ve said in the past that if you\'re already in a caloric surplus, adding more and more calories won\'t build any extra muscle. You say a 10% surplus is enough. Why does Dr. Mike Israetel recommend gaining at least 1-2 pounds a week? He recommends this for all trainees, not just newbies, and says that trying to make lean gains is futile. 5:57 Can front squats be used alternatively with back squat on your novice program? I have reached a point where its unrealistic to do 5x5 squats 3 times a week with progressions, just cant recover, that\'s too much. If alternate between back squats on A workout and front squats on B workout is that fine? 7:05 Hi jason. How would you comeback to the gym after a week or two off due to business traveling? Add cardio? Do the percentage of weight you were doing before leaving? Drop the weight? What can you do in a hotel room in order to at least try to maintain while abroad with little to no access to a gym? Thanks! 8:23 Hi Jason. I know you were mostly doing pause bench when training for powerlifting. Is there any advantage to doing any touch and go work as accessories or keep everything bench related paused? Also is there any advantage to doing pause work if you\'re not a power lifter? I think there is (cleaner reps for me) but was just wanting your opinion. 9:37 Hey Jason, Thanks for all the answers to your questions over the past few weeks. I was on your 5x5 then I started slipping, went and saw a doctor, and the doctor said I was all good, so I decided to would do Johnny Canditio\'s linear program because it would give me the extra bit of recovery time that is seemed like I needed. I got my diet in check and sleeping much better. As a result I am getting stronger at a pretty fast rate. My question is do you think that JC\'s LP program is going to give needlessly slow progress for a novice lifter? Or should i keep with the whole \"if it ain\'t broke, don\'t fix it\" attitude. 11:05 Is it possible that an athlete could be unaware heshe is taking PEDs and therfore geniuenly beleive they are clean. For example, a coach or team doctor could tell the athlete that it is an anti-flu injection or something, when in reality it\'s test or whatever? You might have some experience with this from your work with college athletes. 12:35 Jason how do you keep your cholesterol in normal range when you are eating a lot of high fat meat? Especially when you are in TRT and Test is known to increase bad cholesterol. Cheers from the Philippines! 14:02 hey jason i was the guy who asked u about fasting after refeeds last week and you said that it wasnt good and might be a sign of an eating disorder.my quesiton this time is what should one do if they binge uncontrollably after a cut due to an eating disorder from a drastic cut?' 

Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , muscle , SPORTS , strength , training , powerlifting , Jason Blaha

See also: greg doucette , �Exercise Fitness , muscle gain , Yoga à la maison , 305 , Travel , fast � , 6 pack , zumba for beginners , Cer
